Month -3-11, February

The big eye in the sky spotted two pythons very close to each other; the big one with a very big bulging in the belly, perhaps after swallowing a very big prey. Without the big eye, the existence of the reptiles could not possibly be felt. Undoubtedly the reptiles are associated with the lake on the right. It would be interesting to know what are on the other side of the lake.

February rolled out a few days after the CNY and 1427 Muharram 1 Tue (Jan 31). Chemistry 5 KBSM evaporated Feb 2 Thu when the editor noticed Chap 2, 3, and 4 were of plagiarised; and they were not possible to get rewritten in the given time for submission. The ten days school break was that the kiddos, especially the boarders, really needed to resuscitate and unstress off before returning to the 'internship' Feb 5 Sun. And with that, the holiday season 2005/06 ended. The masses returned to the daily choruses of hasting for everything to get it going.

Everybody said to get ready and be repared for another hike in oil price; and then another, and another. When? Many said very soon, may be before Mar;

Feb 3 Fri, a good samaritan popped this form into my pigeon hole. Thanks mate, of course I'm interested in the (ii) category. The timing of submission is crucial though - waiting for any signs, just like that in 1984. A kind of situational: too late after Sep, but too predictable before that. Observing the content to be filled in the form, I could sense the essence why my 'seniors' became restless when they were given it monthly, in full though, unlike some of others who were "blessed" bienially.

The return of 6by8 inches from my first acquaintance in 1967, replacing the 8by11 since last 1989, after a long month Jan waiting and search in vain - to Feb 4 Sat. Some colleagues contended that this is an index of downsliding of the money making matters. If so, then what a poor capitalists! They have only the money to manage in their life, no other matters. When the money became scarce, they don't bother to manage any other matter at all.

Feb 10 Fri - I am a Datuk for the second time, and Azizah the "Datin"; a contending boy from Malini-Hanief. This was of Azzahrah, the first one was of Putrajaya, 2004 Aug 17 Tue. Asri was not as 'hostile' as then, after eventually learning that like that of Ifah, his status quo is not going to be 'antagonised' by Ridwan. There is always a beauty in leaving the doubt to the fate, for in nine days time he is going to become the little star in the house, replacing Ifah who was then in the middle of visa arrangement to reunite with her Umi in UK.

Feb 19 Sun - Ifah eventually took off on MH 0020, at 2345 to Paris, then to Nottingham to reunite with her Umi; of course accompanied by Abi. For the past five months, Ifah has been growing into a very good girl indeed in lots of loves of daddy, grand daddy and both grannies, uncles and unties from both sides, and especially NekSaurah who baby-sat her from day 61 to the day -1 of her departure. When she return home in about three years time she would have not quite remembered the days she was too young to be in her Umi's absence; during which short time she had learned to live, a lot and quick and cleverly that virtually she had not missed the living although she missed a lot her Umi. She stayed awake through the night to have our farewell at the airport like she knew that the journey was going to be very long and she needed the endurance to keep herself in one piece until she is met by her Umi. I 'told' her to keep on growing up, take care of herself and always be a good girl for every one love and would love her very dearly.

In Feb, while Alya is in her momentum for the end year SPM, CB is yet to be delivered out into the open where he could see by himself the light. He needed a close hand to pull him up step by step along the stairs. And especially Asri who needed his mother to be the 'tadika-mate' throughout Feb the second consecutive month since his first day in Jan. He changed though a bit, spending more of his free time with pencil and paper. Somehow he had made his mind: a sole lefthander in the family. Asbi in his year 5 inched on.

Feb ended with the 'katrinamic' rise of oil price announced at about half an hour before the count down beginning of the last Feb day Tue. Per litre: RON 97 RM1.92, RON 92 RM1.88, diesel RM1.581 (as Februari 1: RM1.62, RM1.58, RM1.281 respectively). In Sabah, RM1.90, RM1.88, RM1.584 respectively, and in Sarawak: RM1.91, RM1.88 dan RM1.578 respectively. LPG to become RM1.75 per kg.

As always, after every price increase the citizen were 'vaccinated' with the everlasting magic figure of the equivalent Asean prices sans other relevant figures such as a partial list of cost of living. The figures were regalised by citing them without the subsidy and tax-examption: RM2.46, RM2.37, RM1.98 respectively and RM3.21 for LPG. In the past it cooled down a few degrees. Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia are oil-producing countries.

Chapter dated Feb 28, 2006