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Mat B. Zakaria, Assoc. Prof. Dr. SmSn(UKMalaysia), MSc, PhD(Salf) E-mail: mbzak@udm.edu.my ![]() |
Lectures in UKM - Archived and Closed since 2007 April 20
STKK1113 Kimia Fizik Asas [Fundamental Physical Chemistry]
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STKK2922 Kimia Polimer I [Polimer Chemistry I]
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STKK6122 Sistem Makromolekul [Macromolecular System]
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STPD1113 Pengenalan Kepada Mikrokomputer dan Teknologi Maklumat
[Introduction to Microkomputer and Information Technology]
Pengendalian kursus ini telah dipindahkan [Undertaking of this paper had been transfered]
SK1112 Kimia Fizik I [Physical Chem I]
Kursus ini telah tidak ditawarkan lagi [This paper had no longer been offered]
SK3912 Kimia Organik Polimer [Polymer Organic Chemistry]
Kursus ini telah tidak ditawarkan lagi [This paper had no longer been offered]
SK3942 Sifat Fizik Larutan Polimer [Physical Properties of Polymeric Solutions]
Kursus ini telah tidak ditawarkan lagi [This paper had no longer been offered]