CheGu Aminah Abdul Rahim, Biology teacher when I was in form 4 in 1967 and form 5 in 1968 in Sek Alam Shah (SAS), KL, which took us through in SPM 68. I had only an eye on biology, because I took it that the ultimate in biology was into the medicine, and in 1968 doing medicine in MU from a malay medium school was killing. Nevertheless, I did it in the SPM, and I collected it during the Speech Day 1969, July 19 Sat, together with chemistry, the subject I eventually dipped into in depth. I opted for the physical subject during 1969-70 upper sixth forms, and thus signed biology only at subsidiary level (taught by CheGu Yasin Mydin). CheGu Aminah was one of the teachers the pupil liked very much and always looked forward for her next class. When many of us were in UKM during post-1970, CheGu Aminah frequently visited us in the campus. I met her several times; once was on Nov 30 Fri, 1973, although I did not take any biology paper during my undergraduate course. She was the HM/Principal of SM Sri Puteri, KL (the sister of SAS) for many years in the 1980's and 1990's, then retired just about the year 2000. We had a small gathering in Pan Pacific on Sat, oct 11, 2003, and reflected on how we had our times in those years in SAS.

CheGu Aminah telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 2024 Sep 26 Thu 22 R-Awal 1446H di Putrajaya. Semoga Allahyarhamah diampuni dosa2nya, diterima segala amal solehnya dirahmatiNya serta rohnya diletakkan bersama2 golongan hamba2Nya yang soleh.