(Dated April 2001 - The page is not quite ready yet, but I am just very excited to publish it. It will be updated from time to time)
It was a lot of fun while writing KBSM (it was even a lot more fund for a publisher like Pustaka Aman who published four out of six of my KBSM, and especially for a publisher who consciously and deliberately neglected to honour the royalty agreement (the substance of which had run into a staggering hundreds of kRM already) after the books were reprinted and received the annual order, never miss for the past ten years, from the Ministry for the SPBT scheme; never mind the open market, and the workbooks, for it has to put an effort to sell them.
The Honourable PAP. The publisher-printer was established by the father many years ago, trusted its prosperity in the son's name who eventually inherited it. It began by publishing religious books from local authors who write for the duty to their religion. I met once the father in his office, in 1990 June 2 Sat, right here before he died. My books were the first non-religious book it published, the venture of which began in 1988; and "striked" the "effortless" rosy SPBT. I think they were also the last non-religious book it published. It then lived perhaps by reprinting the religious books the father worked for whose authors were immaterial in any way still alive or have passed away.
I was blessed with plenty of helps in scribing the manuscript, of course with my partner Rashidi, and I want to dedicate this part of the page to my family members, my children and my wife, and especially my late mother, for the endurance they had shown, and the extremely patience they had adapted to while I was on the move, from as early as 1987. Admittedly, they were parts of my manuscripts as shown below et seq. |
Outdoor mission; this one in Taman Rimba Templer looking for illustrations for Section 4.5 of Book 2: "Pemuliharaan Benda-benda Hidup" (Conservation of Living Things); and indoor digestion in study room at home.
My children had always been the source of graphic materials as much as possible. They never got tired, even after several repeated casting. The publisher paid only the film and the cost to develop the film, not the casting. My children were merely enjoying helping their father. On this casting I had to use a fish-eye to get them both in the perspective.
A full set around home. The kiddies' bicycles, Muzani walks, Zidni rides, and Rubaini holds and twists.
Acting in watching TV together. In real life every one has his/her own favourite programme. |
Every one tried the stabilise the ruler on the thumb, and tried many times. |
Identical twins I badly needed, and they happened to be class-mates of my #3 Zidni in Taski Zainab, Jln 2/2B. My wife lured them out side the class, on the next street, took four shots, without knowing their names and where they lived. But my son did: he said Syahrul and Syahril. Like my son, they are now 17 plus; I wonder how did they perform in their SPM recently.
Updated 2005 Jan, transgressed over my #3son also, that one of them had already married. |
A funny thing happened this morning. I spotted a house equipped with a solar water heater, and I needed it. It was in Jln 2/2A. I did not want to tell the owner of the house that I wanted to take a shot of the water heater, but I did not want to be suspeciously starred at either. So I sneaked on the lot in front of the house which happened to be on a slightly raised ground, and took several quick shots. It has to be in the morning to take advantage of the sun lighting. I thought I had made a smart mission. Several months later I found out that the owner of the house is Malik, my fellow two years senior SASian (a king scout in 1968) and a colleague in the Faculty whom I have tea in RU at the faculty many times a week almost every week for the past ten years. I am sorry, Malik.
A contribution from New Zealand: The High Commission Office,
and New Zealand Milk Products Factory.
Jasmi , my fellow SASian, then the deputy director at PERHILITAN HQ Cheras, helped me with a helper to help myself for the slides of the HQ's collection of wild life for my use. He even offered himself in a cast, for incidently he was on a research on monitoring a dragon-lizard in the compound.
One evening (so that the sun is behind me) I was on the bridge across highway at UPM junction for a couple of shots for the traffic on the highway. It was a free hand for no one would have any suspecion what so ever. However after a while I noticed some sort of disrupted flow on the direction to KL (coming towards me). I realised then that I was terrifying the drivers; some of them, under the very quick view thought that I was holding a radar-laser gun to track their speed for the gazetted speed in the area is 90, not 110.
A trip to Terengganu, specially for this pictures. It was at late noon in Pengkalan Maras, near Mengabang Telipot, Kuala Terengganu. The spot for "Main Pantai" those days for those in Maras.
The carried car was registered DTD 425 E, a 1968 Ford Cortina Mark II. The time, some times in late July 1975, and the place, Castle Irwell Student Village, Salford, Manchester (the first two pictures), and New Castle-Upon-Tyne (the last two pictures). The land-loader of the AA was the same vehicle. It was on relay rescue from Cockburnpath, Scotland, where the car broke down, to Salford.
The act of balancing: trying to get "dynamic" equilibrium as well as static equlibrium.
A giant tree on the road to Kajang, in pre-1990. It gave a good cool shade. Several accidents, many fatal one, occurred around this vicinity. I caught it in the camera and preserved it in KBSM2 and KBSM3 for different illustrative purposes. The surplus pictures were views from the opposite direction; also to include the parallel adjacent rail tract. Several years later the tree was cut down to widen the road for easy access to Taman Tenaga.
(Dated May 2000)