My first picture, taken in 1964 in front of the lobby to the A Block of "Asrama Putera" (Boys Hostel) Sultan Sulaiman Secondary School, Kuala Terengganu. On my right is Mohamad Awang from Banggol Tuan Muda, not my class-1AM-mate, but he was my nearest kampung-mate. I was holding the registry book, containing names of all form one MM hostelites. We attended afternoon session, so in the morning we had prep-class and I was given the job to check their attendence. On this occasion it was after the prep-class. |
A day of posing in 1964 with the background of Ibai Lagoon, between two baby mangroove, very closed to the hostel. In the evening I used to get out of the hostel compound via the sea-side and walked to the lagoon to watch the life in the tides area, the spiky-ball grass rolling on the field when the lagoon was dry, the hermit crabs, the mangroove, and the rushing sea-water in and out of the holes on the lagoon bed. |
Among my acquaintances in SS in 1964, from left: Mohd Arifin Musa (Chalok), Ali Embong (Mengabang Telipot), Ismail Taib (K. Berang) and Azmi Ambak (K. Terengganu). The first two were of my batch. The third was a form fourer who was "promoted" when he passed "Sekolah Lanjutan" the year before, and the fourth was a form two English medium.
Md Noor Hassan, one of my friends I was very close to. His brother was a teacher in Padang Midin, CheGu Halim, and Md Nor stayed with his family. They lived in Tanjong, "belakang" Kelab Pantai. Despite the nearness, and CheGu Halim commuted to school, Md Nor stayed in hostel. One day in 1965, he took me to his place in Tanjung. And here for the first time I "touched" a typewriter, a machine later to become an indespensable tool in my career.
Abdullah and his closest junior, Baharuddin. |
Boarders of Room 3, Boys hostel Padang Midin Secondary School, KT in late 1965. From left, back row: Razali Yusof (F2), Abdullah Embong (F2), Abdullah Che Din (F2), Anuar Rusdi (F2), Mamat Ibrahim (F5 Asst Room Capt), Mohamad Awang (F2), Mohd Sahir (F2), and Ali Yatim (F2). Middle row: Abdul Rahman (F4), Mansor Abdul Rahman (F4), Alias Mohamad (F5 Room Capt), Nordin Abu Bakar (F4), Mat Zakaria (F2). Front row: Mohamad Sulaiman (F2) and Md Ariffin Musa (F2). |
(Right) Some of the same guys above, from left, Mohamad Awang (F2), Mansor Abdul Rahman (F4), Abdullah Embong (F2), Alias Mohamad (F5 Room Capt), Ali Yatim (F2), Mat Zakaria (F2), and Abdul Rahman (F4). |
Some of the junior hostellites. Standing from left: (1) Kadir (my senior), (2) Omar, (4) Abdullah Embong, (6) Mohamad Sulaiman. |
Junior English Society. L-R. Seated: Kamariah Ali, Mat Zakaria, Mariam Jusoh. Standing: Mr Subramaniam, Shahir, Jaafar, Shafie, Jalil, and Mr Rahman? |
Form 3A, SMPM. Posing for the 1966 school megazine. See details here. |