2014 |
Jan-Apr |
Sekelip Mata |
The Monsoon is Not Over Yet | Dated 2014 Jan 2 Thu 30 Safar 1435H |
During the monsoon, there were some anecdotal events of closing the circle. One in Dec. And very recently, virtually, both after nearly fifty years apart. In the neibouring campuses, students were fighting for their CGPA. Many would predictably be victorious and would advance a step further in the first week of Feb.
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It's too much to expect it over. It had not been ever so before Mar. It's going to stay at least throughout Jan. Anything to indicate a change would be in Feb mid, the earliest. No one have packed yet for the post-monsoon. In Jan we are ready for another rain. The rain that would bring more changes on the surface. First day Jan is not a break anyway in here.
LTSM is one of the infobank, collecting what has come and what would come from the South China Sea. And dispensed FOC, conscientiously or not, to every one who come and go by it. Strangely, the strong wind had stopped, the sound of waves pounding the beach had silenced, giving in to sporadical cool pleasant sea breeze, sometimes wheezing between the recently built lines and clusters of houses along the beach.
Kuala Nerus, in which the historic bridge of Buluh Gading (and its sister Manir Bridge) that deactivated the Losong Ferry at the estuary in mid 1960's, once and for all, and the transformed Pengkalan Arang from a wood-charcoal loading jetty to a deep-sea fishing boat maintenance dock, was still covered by very misty clouds. The ground was all wet for the past months, the muddy access path, sometimes when I was a little boy, was almost impassable. The river is no longer a play ground for children and teeners, and provider for the family. Currently it carries non-nutritious water in bona fide to the sea.
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On the homeward-bound flight, I was befriended by an adorable little lady, with a pair of Clark shoes, which index-ed everything that we used to have before. Unbothered by her accompanying very proud guardian, I checked to make sure that she was securely strapped for the take-off, and especially on touch-down when the braking plane could throw her out of her seat.
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The tarrazzo bench for seating while waiting for the loved-one to arrive, or to depart at the airport was still there, as at the sight, was seated by two souls, appeared like independent. So did the metal frames, and the panes. The planes, and the air, obviously had changed unrecognisably though.
And in the darkness of the night an iconic bike fully loaded with the merchandise, perhaps for tomorrow 'kais pagi', the evening anecdote we have had since a long time ago, since staying in Damansara Utama in the late 1970's. Obviously the biker is not of the then generation. And their loci are of different types of equation.
The Icons in once A Desa Pingitan | Dated 2014 Jan 12 Sun 10 R Awal 1435H |
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A very serene vicinity, existed since before I was born, and grew up in it while it was one piece a "Desa Pingitan", in peace around the "central mosque" from which children were equipped by the elders with tools to grow up to become survived citizen among the flora and fauna on which for many years to come they would depend on. All the elders had passed on, and the children, my contemporary, survived as equipped. Sans though the elders forsight of the impending social displacement brought in by the irreversible rolling time. Their children were thus un-equipped as sufficiently as when they were children.
Over the past sixty years, like the floating non-organic drifters which were taken by the natural flow in the arterial Nerus river that run in the middle of the place, to the sea, but some with some characteristics had been washed off to the banks, stereotypically immobilised before reaching the sea, and had become the icons of the desa pingitan, beacon-ing the past, who to the many, naturally, were just attachments for reference, not for comprehension.
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One is by the name Jalil (not his real name), who I knew since I was a timid boy. He lived about a few hundred meters to the sun-set direction from my home, next to MokChikLaksam, but very close to the padi plot that I frequently went in helping my father. He sells ice cream on bicycle for a living. The merchandise were stored in a frozen cubic box, tied securely on the carrier at the rear of the bicycle. It was a 5 sen type, or a slightly more creamy 10 sen type. I seldom buy though, unlike other children, because I could not afford it. And I never said to my mother that I want it. But, once, I was close by him when he unpacked the ice cream box to clean. And apparently for the first time I saw the dry ice, solid carbon dioxide, the thing I used a lot many years later in the laboratory. I remembered he had a family. A wife at home, and at least two children, a boy and a younger girl. Both were very much smaller than me. But unlike other neighbours, his family, and my father's family rarely encountered each other. I have never seen my father talked to him, neither my mother to his wife. During my long years being a diasphora, I rarely noticed his presence when once a while I returned home. Every time I noted him, I kept on wondering what had ever happened to his children. And his hut, built on a land on-loan by a neighbour appeared to have been abandoned.
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Another is by the name Chan (not his real name), the last of the descendant stallion who settled here, as the story tale-told, since Admiral Chen Ho voyage to Malaya. When I was a boy, he was younger than me, a grandson of a fabric trader to whom the villagers turned to for a batik. Apparently with some impairment he was the least lucky among the grandchildren. But before the granny left, he was wedded to an equally suitable woman, and led a family with several healthy normal children, mostly sons. They live in the same granny's house. They are so locally cultured, that if not told, nobody know that they never go to the masjid on Fri afternoon. I used to accompany my mother to his granny's place a few times to scan for a batik. But I never had a close encouter with him, even as boys playing together in the vicinity. Of late, he appeared to be unwell, and I have rarely seen him walking to the sundry places. His children stays wih him, but I have not seen his wife as well lately.
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Another is by the name Pok Ud (not his real name), a trishaw rider all his life. His family and my family were neibouring, and known to each other very close. We were buddies of all levels, day and night. One of his son, Musa, is of may age, and with another neighbour Ripin we were very close, and grew up together, until I left for the distant school. In my absence apparently a lot of things happened to Pok Ud and his family. I lost many of the anecdotes. After many decades, I knew that Musa lived in Banggol Katong, in 2012, he was decorated Peladang Jaya by the CM of Terengganu. And had visited his place once. I noticed Pok Ud again in the vicinity. And riding his trishaw, severely modified though, but in unimpeding strength, and intact practices of trishaw riding rules. Then of late I have not seen him again. I wondered what had ever happened to him, and to his sons and daughters.
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![]() ![]() More of the icons who I do not know very well, but I was told that they do not have the family of their own. |
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One day I would become an icon too to my place, like one of them, may be more, may be less neglected. The people around, who barely knew, would ask the same questions. Where had he been. When did he return. What had happened to him. Whatever happened to his sons and daughters that they saw when they were boys and girls. Where is he now, how is he doing, etc, etc. Still some obviously knew in great detail, but had become icons themselves.
A Big Small Reunion | Dated 2014 Jan 23 Thu 21 R Awal 1435H |
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I rarely been to the occasion like this, except if the turn-up are only a handful. I even skipped a similar recent one on Jan 11 Sat afternoon. A more relevant one, and was only a stone throw away from my home, and was reminded thousands of times before that, and were even hp-ed by my close buddies.
This one was in Ri-Yaz, Duyung, KTGG, on this date, Thu night, while I was on a long leave at home in KUL. For this occasion, the organizer made every effort, first to locate me through whoever might have known me, including my buddies, then to get intouch personally, to ask to come to their gathering. And his buddies who knew me too kept on hp-ing me to turn up. I thus obliged to pay his respect to respond positively, and drove KUL-TGG-KUL just for the occasion. It was SAS-6972-TGG, my two years junior. When they checked-in SAS in 1969 Jan, my presence was unknown to them, except perhaps in virtual-info to those from my alma mater SM Dato Amar, Padang Midin, where I was in F3 when they were in F1 in 1966. In 1967 Jan 15 Sun, they must have heard my name being mentioned by the HM CheGu Nordin Nasir in the assembly, the first assembly for the new session year. If they could recall. Four days later, on Jan 19 Thu I checked-in SAS, then Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, with eight others.
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In SAS, I was with them for a short period again, from 1969 Jan to 1970 Nov. I could not recall their number although then their list was in my personal keeping. And far more from being able to recite their names. But my presence in 1970 was very bold to them, in fact to the whole school boarders of the year. It was for that boldness that I was consistently insisted to come, and I knew that it was my honour to be with them.
I came to find out that most of them were non-nobody during their career days and had made their lives successfully. About twenty turned up tonight. Obviously two years SAS evolution after us, had given them wider dimension in preparing themself for the abound career opportunities. Law, engineering, agriculture, economy, business, medicine, pub admin, etc. Unlike during our time which was mostly of pioneering type. Teaching and lecturing. The back to TOT of arts, math, and science, making them career-wise much better than us.
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I equipped myself with all available memories of 1969-70, digged-out from the archives, and any anecdotal event or incident, digged-out from my notes. Obviously I was expected when I showed up and was warmly welcomed. Firstly by those who knew me for certain, and then was introduced to others who then started to recall my being in 1969-70. Other than the familiar few, I could not paint the pic of any of them onto the 1969-70 canvas. But one, later was told as the sponsor, was with a smile that rang the bell of a similar smile stone-carved in a pic in my archive. It was in a chartered-bus KUL-TGG to-and-fro inter-term break trip in mid-1969. Later rapport more or less confirmed. He stays in Bukit Tumbuh in a home no one would miss to note, but confused with another exactly similar name, but stays in Bukit Kandis on the other side of the trunk road, in a similarly notable home.
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I was respectfully honoured by being given the microphone for a forward to support their efforts in making happening of seeing the people that we have seen before, and perhaps eventually be in places we have been there before. Right after the intro, who introduced the generous sponsor, and the catalytic proactivator. I spoke the reason d'etre for our being together, the phenomenom of Sekolah Alam Shah, and thus the bigger brother Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, my most important milestone of their presence in 1969, congratulating them for being able to hold a TGG Chapter that was made possible by the sheer number of their batch unlike my batch which was only nine with three had passed on, the academics of being made available the opportinuty, the covalent spirit of being ever-together. I kept away from invoking my uno-position in 1970 as it may revive bad memory to some, although I do not remember any among them. Thanking them for making me to come to their rendz, before starting the forward, and on letting the microphone to the following speakers. Others were given the time as well. The frolic was extended more than an hr after the hired time. And it came to the end, and as always, a promise of another get-together.
Last but not least was a tableful of a few spouses, and offsprings accompanying to the memorable rendz, unfortunately appeared neglected, and swallowed by the inter-laughters and frolics of the lads. The place itself was so dimly lighted that it was impossible to get a glance at them. There have been no lass in the batch. But it appeared that they get to know each other very well. I knew that they were very eagre to know others, and the lads especially, but sans opportunity window. Perhaps in other rendz, different itinerary would take them into the frolics. On the way out after the event, which was extended more than an hr after the paid time, I hi-ed a pair of the accompanying children. They were very proud to introduce themselves to be the children of their daddy, who I have the name in my archive, but could not paste the pic on it.
A Monsoon in Feb | Dated 2014 Feb 1 Sat 1 R Akhir 1435H |
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It had been unrare that Monsoon extended to Feb, even to Mar. But the pic tell that this monsoon in Feb is an oxymoron. It came very sudden, and took everyone by surprise, without a pre-windy clouds. Anticipants thankfully relieved. Explanation showered with anecdotes narrated from many incidents and experiences like water which finds its own level under gravity, and thus wetted all the lowlands, germinating the flora which in turn nourished the fauna. A monsoon in Feb is not an imaginary. It could be naturally real, and in many instances very nutritional to the expiry.
Monsoon brings a lot of irreversible changes, including turning flowing tears into drops of blood.
A Dry Shower Over the Wet Sand | Dated 2014 Feb 6 Thu 6 R Akhir 1435H |
![]() ![]() ![]() The table for two, twice, verbatim. |
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Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Feb 9 Sun 9 R Akhir 1435H |
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Littlefoot: It - it flew real low and it shined like the bright circle - only blue and it made a crackling sound, like, like fire in the trees.
Brown spiketail: Look here, nobody else saw this thing, how do you explain that?
Littlefoot: I - I don't know. I guess, everybody was asleep. You believe me, don't you grandpa?
Grandpa: Of course I believe in you, Littlefoot - but er, erm...
Littlefoot: But what?
Grandpa: Perhaps the flying rock you was only seemed different. Perhaps you were still a little sleepy. Or maybe it was something you saw in a dream - isn't that also possible?
Littlefoot: I - I guess so, only...
Rainbow Face #1: It's always like this, isn't it?
Rainbow Face #2: Yes, if they don't see it with their own eyes, it doesn't exist... What limited thinking.
It happened at a lightening speed. Many were stunned in disbelief. The stone of cold fire had landed, and by Feb 15 Sat would burn itself to ashes at the Threehorn Peak.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Feb 16 Sun 16 R Akhir 1435H |
Just a Measure | Dated 2014 Feb 19 Wed 19 R Akhir 1435H |
It's going to be quite a distance between Bangi and Tembila in the days to come. Some of my ex-staff, both senior and junior, are still in good faith with me. They would like some kind of info-bridge. Alright even virtually. The different time would make the distance longer than before although I have two places to stay in the vicinity of KGB, where I would frequently be visiting, excluding my birth-place in Pengkalan Arang. And I too felt like I was closer to them during the past seven years acquaintencing than the 34 years in UKM. And especially the admin staff who assisted me during the four years of the deanship. A few of them had won our mutual trust between each other.
And not the least were the fac students who I left like a lightening, all were stunned. And the graduated as well. For that I joined FB, the contemporary mode of socialisation, especially among the youngesters.
MATA HAHANUSA is my pen-name since my University days in the 1970-s when I wrote to local newspapers, and the University Student union print-media in Jalan Pantai Bharu. Prof Chamhuri Siwar, my senior in Fakulti Sastera, then the chief editor of GEMASISWA, knew my pen-name. Now the term pen-name had transformed to screen-name. And the name is the screen name I opted for the account. I knew that, with the img, the last official img of 2013 before I left office, my junior ex-staff would recognise me. And respectfully, very well. Others doesn't matter. And surely not forgetting my alma mater Sekolah Alam Shah.
It took a while to learn the command and things to do to get broadcasted. And to make in contact with them. It was not long. In a few days I was swarmed by the junior ex-staff, and the students and the graduates. I was well in the air for them to see and follow. And vice versa.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Feb 20 Thu 20 R Akhir 1435H |
Just a Measure | Dated 2014 Feb 25 Tue 25 R Akhir 1435H |
The first who caught it in the air
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Feb 25 Tue 25 R Akhir 1435H |
Last Tango in Academia | Dated 2014 Feb 28 Fri 28 R Akhir 1435H |
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I made it to mean to be so. But it was just of secretarial size though, just like I started with in full commitment in 2003 Jul 8-11, in Guomann, PD. Unlike the biannual convention-size every year, which I started in 2003 Sep 24-29 in Awana Genting, until the last one last year 2013 Nov 10-16 in The Residence UNITEN which wasn't a farewell though.
This last tango was in Concorde Inn KLIA. This last one was not the least. I left a trust for them to remember, in their own memory.
Perhaps I was the last of my contemporary, even among the more juniors, to leave the scene. Most had conceded soon after their first exit from IPTA. Long ago.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Mar 1 Sat 29 R Akhir 1435H |
Probing the Content | Dated 2014 Mar 3 Mon 1 J AWAL 1435H |
What do they put in? Tried with this one, captured on MH TGG-KUL for the official last tango with the academia in Concorde KLIA in early Feb. Rather thoughtful piece. Noted the response. Poor. Not interested. No wonder once in a meeting a senior officer noted that the official site was not frequently visited, but when in the form of fb, it was swarmed by them.
Waiting to Wake Up for the Non-Appearance | Dated 2014 Mar 10 Mon 8 J AWAL 1435H |
Another Probe of the Content | Dated 2014 Mar 6 Thu 4 J AWAL 1435H |
One part was verified by these img which I kept on capturing whenever it flashed through the window, since perhaps 2011.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Mar 16 Sun 14 J AWAL 1435H |
Provoking the Content | Dated 2014 Mar 19 Wed 17 J AWAL 1435H |
It's time to provoke, to complement the hypothesis. The content was radomly picked from the media in relevance - this one from BBC online. And it was confirmed.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Mar 22 Sat 20 J AWAL 1435H |
The First Long Distant Contact | Dated 2014 Mar 31 Mon 29 J AWAL 1435H |
Provoking a rather personal since after the exit Feb 16, but obviously it didn't attract any attention. The anti-climax was referred to the media coverage of 370 mystery which may meant it was solved but not in the public interest. No one had the sense to pay attention to that either.
One particular person I always wanted to see again, Mohd Arif Othman, one of my close buddy in SAS 1967-70, had been virtually engaged through other similar media. And blessfully met physically a few days later, as he described in his posting. He apparently was very savvy with the contemporary virtual contact media.
April - The Flower in Spring | Dated 2014 Apr 1 Tue 1 J AKHIR 1435H |
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April is the begining of spring, and plants commence with springing the flower for the season regeneration in summer to autum of the same year. Human civilisation adores flower in many ways. For Apr the month, the flower given to its birth is the Sweet Pea flower. But the Apr flower is the Daisy. It opens and faces the sun, and closes at the day's end. This simple flower symbolizes childhood innocence, often depicted in movies with children running through fields overgrown with daisies. As pretty as the daisy is, it is hard to believe that this flower could ever be despised. However, the daisy can be somewhat of a nuisance to farmers. The daisy acts as a weed, over crowding crops and over powering fields, as insects easily spread its pollen. Nonetheless, daisy leaves and petals are edible and it can be brewed as a tea to sooth sore throats and stomach aches.
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The flower that is blooming in our backyard is the rambutan. The flower is not as beautiful as the sweet-pea or the daisy. Very far away from the roses that had "tumbuh" after "patah-belum-berganti" in the frontyard. In no way it could be attributed to any significant variable of human civilisation other than that, in about six months time, it would bear very delicious fruits for human consumption - lately even to five-star hotels.
They started to bloom just after recent very dry spell Feb-Mar after a very wet months of Dec and Jan. Current non-rainy weather, rather dry though, gives a suitable time for pollination. Bees, and other insects, are seen very busy buzz-ing from bunch to bunch. Last year, the same trees gave us abundant produce, that we had to distribute, even sarcastically taken back to Terengganu, where one of the trees originated from, the grand-parent of which was planted by my grandfather during his young days.
Incidentally, in western civilisation, the name April is an English baby name with the meaning: Born in April; Opening buds of spring. They co-noted that people born in Apr have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details. They tend to be idealistic, highly immaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. They seek after spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to be visionary and may inspire others. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become dreamers, or misuse power. What about people born in other months? I guess the trait descriptions utilise the same vocab, but in different permutation of sentences build-up. Whatever.. Rambutan flowers in April, a feast of fruit in Oct.
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An April Fool | Dated 2014 Apr 2 Wed 2 J AKHIR 1435H |
As dated, it was for Apr 1. The fruits were planted by Arifah and Aidah in a pot, with their presumption of propagating into many more fruits, the pot was vacated by a dying herbal plant. And I snapped them before the fruits get deswelled. It was sometimes ago, and it took me quite a while to search for the img in the archive. The post had attracted a swarm of ex-staff. And consequently related matters crept in.
The day before through to the night, I had a lengthy e-discourse with Salmah on her fate in her quest for an MSc, her scare of being able to get out peacefully from the entanglement in current Univ-KPTM unfirmed posture towards candidated who are unabled to complete in the agreed time, mostly due to circumstances beyond their reach. The variables were entirely not their fault altogether.
Some were Really in the Mood | Dated 2014 Apr 3 Thu 3 J AKHIR 1435H |
Muzammil was one. He took up from the link I gave. The ICOTOS 2011. The event was really a memorable one. All FPB staff took part, and I am really very proud of them. Hard working, enduring every material and time obstacle they were facing. I would want to work again any time with them on event even bigger than this. Others were just passengers riding together for a good time.
These img was a consequence of similar img Salmah posted about a ferry in Perak only recently closed its service. The one in Bukit Datu was closed long time ago, in late 1960, as soon as the Manir and Buluh Gading bridges were passable by four-wheelers. The BW img was captured from the air, but the color one is my original. On closer look, both may be the same ferry jetty.
Now very few remember Feri Bukit Datu. Only those of 60-plus. It went into history earlier than Pasar Tanjung, Padang Malaya, Kedai Binjai, Stesen Bas, and the sailing boats across the Trg river between Seberang Takir and padang Malaya. The time when the estuary of Trg river, and the islands in it were the provider of every thing the people need for their livelihood.
Titled as Et Seq | Dated 2014 Apr 5 Sat 5 J AKHIR 1435H |
High time to be in TGG to pick-up where it was suddenly left. To resume to whatever possible ways, pushing to the edge of the fate that has detoured from all what were in mind.
Connectivity was very poor indeed in TGG. The so-called broad band was just a smoke screen for non-deliverable fee. D/L was so slow that the modem decided to disconnect every time it's connected. U/L was a civilisation away. PokSid while in frolic to far mid-night, introduced wasap in iFoon. But to work well, it needed a data-plan, or in the vicinity of an available hot-spot. It would take a few days to work.
Filling the Gap | Dated 2014 Apr 14 Mon 14 J AKHIR 1435H |
The symmetry was observed while I was paying for the tiles in Insamadu in Jln Bukit Kechil, KTGG. The tiles were for the floor of W-Tengah house.
On returning to KUL, my iFoon was tsunami-ed by w-msg from the gp I was invited to joined. I didn't have time to read all those. Some were purely info. Somebody read online newspaper via their mobiles and uploaded to the gp-wasap, supposedly to share, as though they were the only persons who read them, and nobody else read them.
Born in 1951 on April 20 Fri Morning | Dated 2014 Apr 20 Sun 20 J AKHIR 1435H |
After cruising for sixty-three years on the earth tri-interphase of atmosphere-lithosphere-hydrosphere, it's good to see how much the 'ordained' characters fit on us. The algorithm had enough data to produce a good regression result with acceptable statistical co-relationship. And especially with the old day natural birth, unlike now which may involves an induction, or a scissor.
Some of the images in 1951 that weaved me into their webs in the following decade. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
BORN IN 1951? ... 1951 was the YEAR OF RABBIT, said the chinese, together in the cluster 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059, 2071 of twelve years intervals. I thus had been a rabbit in a rabbit community for six times already. And accordingly have the personality of calm, composed, reserved, cautious, elegant, artistic, talented, friendly, popular, kind, and compassionate. Can be afraid of risks, conservative, self-indulgent, wary, and superficial. Rabbit people can be very ambitious and intuitively know how to get ahead in the world. They are good listeners, kind and sweet by nature, and are therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends. Generally noted for their physical beauty, Rabbits like to surround themselves with beautiful things. They have a good eye for art, design and fashion, and are usually at the top of anyone's Best Dressed list. Others may call the Rabbit timid, but those born under this sign rightly view themselves as wise and cautious. Rabbits are rarely known to make a move or jump into any new situation without first carefully considering all their options. No one is more surprised than Rabbits when they win a hand or a hit at the races, although at times good luck just seems to come their way unbidden. Rabbits are regarded as the peacemakers in any group. They remain calm in any situation, and are very slow to anger. In close personal relationships they can be very romantic, but their natural cautiousness prevents them from settling down or committing to any one person right away. At work, they excel by remaining cool and collected, and can be relied upon for extreme tact in delicate business dealings...
BORN IN APRIL? ... April born people are charming, dynamic and caring. They are adventurous people, who are emotional and brave by nature. They love to seek attention and are always active and hasty. These people are usually generous and sophisticated. April people are generally friendly and helpful in life. They may usually suffer from certain head and chest related illnesses at later stages in life. April born people are loving people, they are good at relationships. April born people tend to get jealous quite easily. Career-wise, April born people are always motivating others, which makes them an excellent team player. Their diplomatic nature also helps them in the professional run. They are good for professions like accountants, engineers, lawyers, and chefs...
BORN ON APRIL 20? ... One of the strongest qualities of Apr-20 people is resourcefulness. They are excellent at assessing what works and what doesn't, and they easily come up with a solid approach. They can be impatient at times in their drive to succeed. Their tastes are refined and pronounced. In love, they can have a dual personality - warm and sensitive one day, and distant the next...
BORN ON FRIDAY? ... Non-q sci charted that a baby born on a FRIDAY grows to be a harbinger of peace, love, beauty and pleasure; attracted to creative fields like music, painting, artistry and acting; generally happy-go-lucky but sensitive when it comes to relationships; does not take heartbreaks well and if anything or anyone makes him/her sad, he/she mourns over it for too long. If the baby grows up to become a woman, she has a high emotional quotient and thus have many friends around her. She is also very possessive, quick-witted and business minded. If the baby grows up to become a man, he is very popular among women and are munificent in nature. But his relationship with his family members is thrifty. He loves travelling overseas. Friday-ians do not fall ill often, but when they do, it is either something very serious or something that will take a very long time to recover from. They have an intrinsic intuition about things which they should follow to keep out of harm's way. They are spiritual by nature and have worldly wisdom which makes them wiser than people even elder than them...
Some other iconic images in 1951, but only heard of them as I was growing up - the 4K.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Finally a belated thanks to all well-wishers. They are mostly my junior ex-colleagues, ex-students, and not least the home-members.
As at 2014 Apr 20 | Dated 2014 Apr 20 Sun 20 J AKHIR 1435H |
Baung Kuala Berang | Dated 2014 Apr 23 Wed 23 J AKHIR 1435H |
On a special invitation by the dean of FPBSM. A nostalgic moment to remember before it was brutally demaged by the insanity.
An Unprecedented Guest | Dated 2014 Apr 27 Sun 27 J AKHIR 1435H |
With that, the 370 777 mystery was solved beyond reasonable doubt. But the whole story have to wait until the next generation historian to fully appear, albeit, in "his-story" form. In the US, mysteries like JFK does not come out clean and clear even after 50 years later.
It was the second time incident after Tanjung Kupang 653 373-200 on the evening of December 4, 1977. But then it was very much physical, and all rituals were followed right infront of the tv camera. Unlike 370 777 which disappeared just like that from the media like the sun-light at the sun-set, and everyone returned home, clean.
Ex-Ex-Director of AGROPOLIS | Dated 2014 Apr 28 Mon 28 J AKHIR 1435H |
Returning to KUL after a brief with Ripin the tukang to execute the extension in Tok Jembal after the whole sanitery system was set up in w-Tengah, I found that the house was so tidy-ed. The next morning, I saw this giant ubi-kayu while cleaning the back-yard. It was excavated by the gardener from a stump the tree of which was planted by Azizah, perhaps in 2002, or a derivative from the stalk she planted after the first harvest, during the backyard cleaning in preparation for our daughters wedding.
If Azizah were still here, she would get excited to no end seeing the sheer size that we have never seen before in our lives, and would amused herself with the humour of it to the bed. The children were not excited simply because they have not seen it before, and thus presumed that this is the normal size.
It was a pure ubi-kayu. I cut some of it, boiled, and turned some of the boiled into pengat, the usual way a mother would do. And it was no other than ubi-kayu. Delicious, white-starchy, and filling.
But, alas! That was the much I could benefit from. Ubi-kayu, in raw form, is not the 3-millenium foodstuff even though hundreds of process foods are additive-ed with ubi-kayu, or derivatives of ubi-kayu. Thanking the mother-earth, I returned the rest of the ubi-kayu to it for consumption of other creatures, or simply to go through by it nature.
April End | Dated 2014 Apr 30 Wed 30 J AKHIR 1435H |
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