2007 - A Farewell to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 1971 May 17 Mon - 2007 Apr 19 Thu
The August Home Coming. 2007 August 7 Tue - Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDM)
Jan to April was the Count Down 2007. April 19 Thu was the last day in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia after been there for 35 years 11 months 4 days - since the first student day 1971 May 17 Mon.
-1; 2007 Apr 19; 1428 R'Akhir 01 Thu
LAST DAY in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The arrival was like that of a celebration. Even looking forward since yesterday and thro to the night at home. Many friends were very supportive and sympathetic in cheering me up, many even since yesterday.
![]() But the smooth one piece exit I planned was marred by the ewarga network down. I kept the record that it was 7.18 am that I loged-in, not 8.50 am as in their log. I will make up anyway that 50 minutes lag on the exit logout although I have one day of unspent leave. I have made the promise that the one day unspent is for the token of friendship with UKM. I wanted no due to UKM on my exit dot. Other parts of the network was running. Including the webmail. I took the opportunity to update the NAV virus definition - dated Apr 18 [20070418-024-x86.exe]. And spyware scanning, in case a new definition was published. | ![]() |
The candidate appeared to begin to feel that he was the numero uno in the faculty. The others were the audience who he thought responded at every "punch line".
Collected the MatriQ matters from the office which arrived yesterday. Into the boot of WCG, to be taken to Seremban Royal Adelphi Apr 23 Monday for the usual biannual gathering. Shown to Prof Pauzi at the desk PC of the gen office that MJAS Vol 10 no 2 It was a quick extension from my 2004 resume of the ill-fated grade-C application.
The FPI dean was stunned by my not receiving the contract letter and humorously suggested to return to UDiM. Surrendered the health log-book. Scribbled a letter to pendaftar for the permission to keep the ID card. Verbally done about the library since I had not borrowed any book (not since the advent of the net - from ca. Windows 95). Had a chat with En Shahir Naim, about going on things in the abstract I did not know whether we understand each other or not. One thing we invariably agreed. That the life-line is always from up there and only from up there. On the way down in the lift met En Razak the senior principal assistant pendaftar FST. Also expresses surprise of the non-receiving. I could not gauge his authenticity.
While around that corner of the 'world', I strolled the back corridors of the FSSK complexes along which I passed only a few times through out my 33 years in UKM. To Pusanika. Passing along the offices of lecturers of FSSK, perhaps of psychology department or something. Judging by the door-tags, only a few had PhD. All their offices were carved-nyatoh-wooden-doored, unlike ours which were plywood - the original 1980's, except that of the professors who insisted to the change which we were made to understand they qualified. Paid the electric and water bills at the post office after distilling the fund at the CIMB tellar - and hi-ed to the emerging-out manager who always greeted me nicely whenever I had matters in the place. The turn-calling-ding-dong at the post office kept on clucking for the next customer. At the same time the turn-number dispenser kept on peeping in error and no turn-number slip came out for the scarsely customer - almost zero-time waiting.
The talk of the time in the faculty. This was the first time I have my meal in PUSANIKA, since the new operator took over. Students were frozen in the exam period, thus not many swarming the eatery. But the food look, variety and attire appeared good. Including the young female tenders of mixed complexion. Many chinese students too, unlike during the previous operator. Have not enough attention to gauge the price which normally extrapolates to a "life-span" approximation. A glass of white hot tea, a "blank" roti canai, and half-keel chicken. 3.40 rm.
It was nearly twelve. Taxonomising and stacking the boxes in the office cube. Then it was a prolonged home break. I was an ordinary staff in UKM who evolved from an ordinary student. It was the mere time that was on my side. My exit was so infinitesimal, of nano-size in today's term. Even if I were a star, it was a little star in a giant distant galaxy. I twinkled only locally, known only to very close friends. And I did not make quite a neutron star on my exit.
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It's now 5 pm. My time in UKM is officially OVER. But I will hang on for another 50 minutes to make over the lag due to the ewarga breakdown. Juggling the contents of the boxes for easier transportation to the destination - seven km away. LAST e-mail checked 5.40 pm on Eudora from IP. Later, it would be from home streamyx via web-based webmail. In three months time this e-mail acc will be closed. Then perhaps I would be on gmail, or yahoo dot com.
Room 2154 Level 2 Chemistry Building, South Wing. Together with the accompanying Lab 2144 opposite of it. The rooms I had been aboding since 1983 Mar 16 Wed. 24 years 34 days. Nonetheless, I will sneak-in again into this room many more times to collect my personal belongings, supposedly at empty hrs no one would see. Ninety percents of my belongings were still in the room by the time of logout. 5.50 PM LAST LOGOUT and RETIRED.
0; 2007 Apr 20; 1428 R'Akhir 02 Fri
Retired from being a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia academician, 32 years 8 months 8 days in high level chemistry.
The last sneak to the ex-office was in the early morning 2007 May 29 Tue. Final check. Every thing "in order". Turned every switch off. Pressed the door knob. Shut the door. Gedebooommmm. Tat, ketaaat. Bye. I did not feel that I would need to come to this room any more. Every key of the room was in the general office from the beginning. I still kept mine, but it would be thrown into the bin. They would be changed by the new occupant anyway.
April end through to Jul was the deliverance period. There were still some unfinished examination matters in the chemistry. The Floor 6 did not know and did not bother to know. Academics and the students academic welfare were not their primary concern. The dean 'brilliantly' snake-ed about it, wiggling her way through the time. Last met the dean May 26 Sat while on walimah Jamaah (retired former LA), Jln 1/3C BBB, facing each other while filling our belly. It was an alien silence encounter. She knew I knew what she knew and had no gut to admit that she had no gut to tell. By Jul 26 Thu, I could explain the "guilty" look of the three creatures when I last met them. Lower 'officers' of previously shouldering no duty were contacting, and made promises which I knew was a bait, including a rumour that the LPG had descended on the faculty's chief clerk which I did not bother to go to check it for I knew it was hoaxed. But, for the sake of the students, and 2007 graduating students, I did it. For the sake of the students. Never mind the pay.
First it was the stkk6122 April 23 in the morning. The matters were to settle later. Because from the afternoon to Apr 28, it was the MatriQ time in Seremban Royal Adelphi. Then May 15-16 the stkk3994 oral exam that I did not bother to participate in which five of my hons students were sitting and another five to be examined. I finished off the former at home and communicated the results by the next two days. Then a special exam stkk6122 Jun 28 Thu which I ignored totally even after the script was delivered at my doorstep Jul 3 Tue, and the appeal by the ex-chairman Jul 18 Wed. If he still could not comprehend the matter the next time, I would bark like a rottweiler. Aug 20 Mon, a contact was made at home in Bangi on the hour while I was giving my very first lecture in UDM Terengganu, 2.30-4.30 pm - as conveyed by my wife. I was waiting for the P2P contact, not before the next day Aug 21 Tue morning when Rohaya called and asked for the script to be returned.
It was not easy. Administratively. But the unstressing elements was the feeling like being on a long leave. And had become more unstressed knowing that the 'boss' call could be turned down just like that. Could even yell at him. And educate him on how to behave when in communication with an ordinary elder bona fide citizen on the street; or even reject the call. I had to teach my self that I was no longer a human capital, and he better learn and educate himself that I was no longer his subordinate. Otherwise I would yell at his top-most ceo the vc.
Then Jun 5 Tue. A call on my h/set from PPS to go on examine Dr Ishak's MSc student viva, Syara Kassim (P30321). The offer letter was in Dec 2006. Two months was the date line for the report. It was delayed to this long because of the external examiner who did not read the ms. I sort of "blessed" by the delayed report with the coming retirement. I explained to him in nice words that it was better for PPS to find a new internal examiner for I had been retiring since four months ago. I think he was very reasonable and could comprehend the situation. There was no more such call after that.
And it was an experience (others perhaps, ordeals) to deal with administrative matters to the laminar flow of the retirement benefits. Mission journeys were made to IRS Apr 11 Wed, EPF Jln Raja Laut May 8 Tue, and the same in Jalan Gasing Petaling Jaya twice May 10 Thu and May 29 Tue. It was finally settled Aug 10 Fri - my last mission trip to Jln Raja Laut.
Into the Next Phase
2007 Apr 14 Sat. It was hard to believe that something would happen. The thing was nothing had happened in six days time to Apr 20. Many instances make us very happy to go, but very sad to leave. Spent quite sometimes last night strolling the spaces of upnm, the first that flashed. Kind of attractive too with the first kick to be in May 2007. But it was a galaxy away. In the afternoon, a goliath of another space appeared receptive enough for making a move.
2007 Apr 16 Mon. Double discourse in Rivera. Punctuated by Rohaya's help in retrieving the chairman cc of the unlocated PTK6 pass-result letter. In twenty minutes. For the cert, I need to do some unpacking. It was just the cert of attendance any way. I skipped the PP "managers" meeting 4/2007, which normally took all first half of the day. I am on leave any way.
2007 Apr 19 Thu. Last day in UKM. Retiring quietly, and moved into the world of "the forgotten". Lingered around the ex-office for several more days to collect and transport home personal belongings, un-noticed that while buddies were cheering up, three creatures were "hik-hik-ing" at me for the decision they had imposed on me. The latter third took the advantage to pull my leg for his harvest.
2007 May 25 Fri. Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Ghazali Abdul Rahman, the pioneer dean of the faculty of science, UKM, in 1970, passed away, just after mid-night, at his home in USJ. Visited him six days ago, 2007 May 19 Sat after isyak.
2007 May 27 Sun. I attended two walimah occasions in Bangi. One in Bangi Golf Course coffee house, that of Prof Dr Abdul Manaf Ali, of UDM (ex-UPM) at 12.00. Then at UKM DK Bestari at 2.00, that of Prof Dr Tengku Mohamad Tengku Sembok. This was the fated Sunday for both of the hosts on this day had me attended. They then met again later to deliver my fate. In the former, had a rather long chat with Prof Dr Rashid Johar of UNISEL (ex-OUM, ex-UKM Education). During the latter, I was expressively deliberated for the upnm, in which the host was just 'borrowed' for the right position. A cv was submitted to him, Jun 4 Mon sun-set. It was well understood with the garisonal situation. Another walimah in Bandar Bukit Mahkota, that of Prof Dato' Dr Jamjan Rajikan, having a hint a few months ago by Prof Dr Abd Razak Habib that a prolific writer is suitable to deal with the modular system in OUM, of which the former was once an advisor.
2007 Jun 30 Sat, Alya checked in K13 of UPM to continue in the Pusat Asasi Sains Pertanian - after conceding Kolej Matrikulai Melaka, Lundang where she checked in May 14 Mon for five days to May 19 Sat, in which latter occasion I met Dr Abdul Rahman Kuraish who returned to UPM after retiring in UIA. The following day, Jul 1 Sun, during the walimah of Dato' Dr Mohd Khir Harun in Dewan Perdana FELDA, I met Dato' Dr Ansary Ahmed, apparently had moved from OUM to preside in the newly established Asia e University (AeU) in KL. The buddies in both institutions expressed similar manuvourabilities. But when Alya began her first day in the faculty, she insisted, that Jul 9 Mon, I post-expressed a CV to the director of her Centre.
2007 Jul 7 Sat, a farewell to WCG, taking turn after WBB (2003 Sep 10 Wed) which was after TM (2003 Sep 2 Tue) which was after TD (1991) which preceeded its ownership, ca. ten years after it was made in EU in 1980.
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In the mean time, a long time buddy DBP, Dr Amaran Joned who returned home in Feb from his doctorate in UCE, Birmingham, knowing that I just had a plenty of time, Jun 16 Sat rang to assist him with the Dewan's Ensiklopedia Umum Pelajar. From Jun 18 Mon visit, composing, through to Jul 12 Thu, editing, to a hasty submission Jul 30 Mon, for something turn up during the past seven days.
It was noon Jul 21 Sat, an SMS from upnm TNC(A), followed by a call on my h-set an hour later. Apparently it was not for upnm, but for UDM Terengganu. My home town has waken up and was reclaiming her long "lost son". 6.30 pm another SMS accompanied by a missed call, with a voice message to return the call, from no other than UDM's Agric-Biotech dean, Prof Dr Abdul Manaf. I returned the call at 10.30. He asked for my CV, to be collected immediately since he was in the vicinity of Bangi. I asked for half an hour to get it printed. And it was collected in one hour at my home.
Jul 25 Wed 11.45 am, the dean rang for the missing info in the cv: the ic number. The next day ca. 4 pm he rang again to say that the VC had ok-ed and had signed the appointment letter, and in fact was very glad that I would be coming, and asked to report duty on the first of Aug. The decision was made and the fate was set at 6.30 pm when I received the letter from UKM dated Jul 18 Wed, signed by the HR chief asst registrar, referring to the university LPU meeting dated May 15 Tue, which explained all the strange phenomena of all the words and faces of the creatures around from the retiring date Apr 20 Fri.
Jul 29 Sun, another call from UDM in the morning asking more info about the "point" when I left in UKM. Jul 31 Tue noon, another call from the faculty, telling me that the appointment letter was in the faculty and needed my instruction to post or fax to Bangi, or simply to be collected on the day of reporting for duty which was asked for the Aug first. Evening, I transmitted a SMS to the dean telling him that I needed a few days more to sort out my belongings. And I waited too for any news from the EP fund, so that I could close "the mission". I told him that I will report on Aug 7 Tue. ... Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, ...
August Home Coming - Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia
![]() A home welcoming, Jalan Sultan Mahmud, Kuala Terengganu. |
![]() Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia, UDM, the City Campus, Jalan Sultan Mahmud, 20400 Kuala Terengganu. |
2007 Aug 6 Mon. Started up very early morning, picked up Zizah et al from KLIA LCC Terminal after settling CB, SB. Packing. 2.30 set off homeward bound in WFV with Muzani behind the wheel. 3.00 pm cleared Bangi via Sect 6 for some sundries. A break at Temerloh R&R for the Asar on the minute. Continued to Kuantan. New additon to East Coast highway, finishing at Sungai Ular. Rushed to Kemaman, caught Ismail Mohd A at Gong Pauh, 6.30 pm. Stayed for 2 hrs reminiscing and "updating". 9.00 pm off to Kuala Terengganu. Reached PA at 11.30. Retired at near one past m.n.
2007 Aug 7 Tue; 1428 Rejab 23
FIRST DAY in Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia. Took Muzani to PD seeing his grandies and left him there to sort his arrangement for tonight return ride to Bangi. 8.30 drove to UDM City Campus, Jalan Sultan Mahmud, 20400 K.T. I was greeted by the security at the gate in full of courtesy after being told of my "visit" here. REPORTED FOR DUTY immediately - staff no 300-3/60 - (to Zauriah the faculty asst registrar - with two other girls, Norhayati and Nurul Ainina in the dean's office, and the fourth PAR, Mohd Hafizi). It was a warm welcome (home). Introduced to Dr Che Abdullah Abu Bakar (food scientist) in his office on the ground floor. Soon he introduced to Dr Mohd Nor Ghani (genetic/farm management), the Deputy Dean. Soon tagged them to Kedai Kopi Ladang for a tea break. Ms Asmaliza Abd Ghani (a japan-graduated chemist), my co-chemist, was introduced while collecting the offer letter at the dean's office. Prof Manaf Ali was not in to have a chat. 11.00 the PC set was delivered - DELL OPTIPLEX GX520 set with a CanoScan LIDE25, and a laser printer HP 1020. 11.30 went to the third floor, and managed to see Dato' VC, who was leisuring outside his office like waiting for my arrival and thus he got the first to 'hay, Mat' at me. Had a warm and nostalgic chat on the Salford 1980's for nearly an hour. At least the secs there and one admin personal (residing in KUSZA campus), who were there witnessing, knew who I was; punctuated by Dato''s promise to deal with any, big or small, of my inconvenience, after he put into words that I was "brought" to UDM for an academic mission. From here onwards the world was getting smaller and smaller; and appeared getting smaller every day. To the lunch time 12.45 pm with the newly acquainted Dr Che Abdullah and Dr Md Nor, in the eatery (nicked "daun pisang" for the rice was served on a piece banana leaf on a plate - self service) under the shades of original Kuala Terengganu giant trees along Jln Sultan Omar, opposite Sultan Sulaiman Primary School, Jlan Batas Baru - not very much different from the picture I had in the 1960's.
Dr Che Abdullah retired from UPM several years ago (optional), reported for duty last two weeks, still had his forms unsubmitted. He originated from Batu Buruk, had an uncle - Mohamad Ismail - my one year senior in Padang Midin, became HA in KT hospital, then turned a Penghulu in early 1990's. On his phone, I was made to talk to Mohamad Ismail. Dr Mohd Noor Abdul Ghani, the deputy dean, joined UDM since last year Nov after retiring from Golden Hope (ex-RRI in the late 1980's) of which Dr Tusirin was known to him very closely (among the few doctorate in the company), and a distant relative to my old buddy Prof Dr Azmi Ambak in UMT (post-KUSTEM). He originated from Chabang Tiga, had many acquintances and relatives in Seberang Baruh; one of them is Wan Muhamad Musa, my batch mate in Padang Midin who had retired from Telecom. Ismail the admin who was with the Dato' VC when I visited, said he was brought there by the late Dr Wan Shamsuddin Mamat, one of my close friend during UKM tenure 1971-74, who I visited once (and the last) 1987 Jan 3 Sat, when he was the Director of KUSZA. Che Wan Taqwa, a senior staff in KUSZA now, my boyhood folk mate, was also mentioned by both Ismail and Dato' VC about completing his doctorate with Prof Shamsul of UKM. Dr Kassim Hamid (agriculture - animal science), a retiree retired from UPM, joined UDM since last year. Dr Hafsah Jaafar, a biotechnologist whose hubby is in UMT and Dr Abdul Ghani Yunus, who is from Jln 2/1B, BBBangi, a farm management expert who knew many that I knew in the area, are two more of the lot, making six to this date in the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology. Infrequently, I bumped with the dean of Medical and Health Sciences faculty, Prof Dr Ahmad Zubaidi a neurosurgeon who originated from Bukit Payong, and moved here from UiTM-Sg Buloh Hospital.
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After ca. half an hour of pre-examination, I was examined by Dr Rahim Aziz himself. And he immediately asked my confirmation that I was formerly in UKM. And I deliriously admitted that I knew very well his nephew, Prof Dr Othman Ros all the while in ukm, as well as the younger brother Shafie for a few months in SAS in 1967. He signed the half-filled form, asking me to complete the one that he otherwise ticks from the info that I give infront of him. With that, the major paper works were accomplished. Home.
It was late evening when I rejoined Muzani in PD. The manggis, rambutan and duku were on every tree. Muzani and I picked some for a quick taste. Stayed to after maghrib then moved on to PA. 9.30 took Muzani to K.T. bus terminal Jalan Masjid for the 10 o'clock ride back to Bangi. Back to PA. Retired rather late.
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2007 Aug 8 Wed. First full day in office. Drove along Tebauk original, the tunnel along which I walked to Bukit Tunggal School in the 1960's; breakfast at KK Ladang, yesterday's UDM first tea break. Reached office ca. 8.15. The place where every morning every staff is given a salute by two guards standing firm on their two feet. Went to see Prof Dr Manaf Ali who briefed me on the things to be done in UDM. The teaching and the research and the post-graduate supervision. Some insight into the chemical contribution in the biotech works proposed in UDM. I superimposed my interests and what I knew around the biotech corners of the chemistry, especially the food chemistry. Not much in the much needed syntheses, but sufficient in the food tech. He assured that I could have something like 50K for the start when post-graduates start their works, most possibly in the second semester. He took me to tour the labs. All the biology and chemistry labs. All brand new apparatus and instruments, some were still in the plastic wrapper, brand new lab floor. Then setup PC. And the laptop was running well. A secured hotspot was detected, but on enquiry at the dean office, the p.w. was by the permission of Dato' VC only. Thus not yet connected to the world because the point in Dr Abdullah's office was unable to be splitted due to the absence of the device. Noon break made a round trip to KT city, including Kedai Payang for any interested accessories. Of interest was to duplicate the key of the squattered room, but found none. Lunch at "daun pisang". The res owner acknowledged that I am a new UDM staff and would be visiting this place many more times to come. Back to office. Meeting Asmaliza a few times today about the coming lecture. Left the campus at 5 to Mek's place in Petai Bubus for a shower and a "dinner". On to PA at near sun set. Retired late too.
![]() My new office in UDM, a million miles away from that at UKM. |
![]() Every consumable piece in the office is brand new, including the carpet. |
2007 Aug 9 Thu. With PC well setup, the focus on chemistry began. 9.15 Prof Manaf popped in to ask to move to new room on level 3 (chancellory level) the third room-complex after the second TNC which was occupied by En Nordin the HEP dean who was needed to be relocated in KUSZA campus. I anticipated that Dato' VC had nodded because it was next to the TNCs room. My "professional gears" were then trolleyed in after touring my new office with Zauriah. It is a room-complex accorded only to exec-level, complete with a shower and closet. Pre-attached by an assistant room, currently occupied by two staff. An En Hamid Ahmad, a planning lecturer in KUSZA campus cum Pembangunan engineer for the Tembila Campus; and a Nor Sakinah Abd Halim, a tutor. Perhaps when they eventually move out, I would asked my co-chemist, Ms Asmaliza to occupy it for an easier chemical communication with her. Currently she share a closet with three other colleague lecturers on the ground floor next to the dean office. The corridor was outbound to students. This may be an inconvenience for communication with my students. A complete PC set was already in the room, and a fax machine, and a telephone. But I would take my set in, in case those set would be needed by the previous owner.
While I was about to carry my belongings to the new office, a surprise dropped in by Lokmal - knew him in SESERI's PIBG in 2006, been to Kenyir together in June - who was a long time acquaintance of Dr Md Nor since in RRI when he embarked on a joint research with FRIM. He came too see Prof Manaf for a confirmation to resume his doctorate under both Prof Manaf and Dr Md Nor. All ended up in the "daun pisang" for an early lunch. Only after then I managed to move my belongings upstairs, helped by Dr Abdullah, and a science officer Syed Ahmad Tajudin, whose father now is a gardener in Sekolah Menengah Padang Midin, my alma mater 1964-66, who stayed near Padang Midin's Ustaz Yusof's mosque in which in 1965 and 1966 the Padang Midin hostel boarders spent their noon on every school week Friday. The keys to the new office was brought to by the security and handed to me - the room security key, and the key of the outside glass door which secured the assisstants closet. When every helpers had gone, I entered the room and sat on the head-high chair. The PC is connected on a dynamic IP (the secured hotspot was again dectected). With that my V3203TU is connected to the world. The connection was tested positive by a quick FTP to matzakaria dot com. Then a tour via drmbzak on both servers to see what was going on in the "western hemiphere". The PC-liosis syndrome which I observed during the last two weeks there had reduced the pride of lecturers there into a pack of hyenas, had dwindled like into the sun set to wake up again by tomorrow sun rise. Perhaps very tired of scavanging a few carcases of old and obsolete PCs. With the two complete sets of PC on my table at my disposal, I could only smile at the agony suffered by them. Obviously I do not need this much. I never wanted it before this much. But that was the "much" valued by those who appreciate my pride.
2.30 pm, the first meeting in UDM I attended. The postgraduate briefing, chaired by Prof Manaf as the chairman of the post-graduate board; attended by the prospecting supervisors from both campuses, plus some prospecting post-graduate students, mostly the absorbed former KUSZA staff who were needed to have some post-graduate training in order to fit well into the UDM future.
4.00 went to bus terminal. Got one from Sutera #14/28 for tonight 10 o'clock trip to KL at Putra Bus. Back to office. Home at 6.00 to PD to 'prepare' for the trip. 9.00 PakSang took to bus station. 10.10 rolled. With one 0.5 hr stop, perhaps at Gambang, ..
... 2007 Aug 10 Fri. Reached Putra KL, ca. 5.00. Took KTM commuter 5.45 (perhaps the first service), reached UKM 6.35. Picked up by Zizah. Subuh at home, at near sun rise. Jumaat at MPI as usual, taking CB, SB. 3.00 taken by Muzani, rushed to EPF, Jln Raja Laut. Fetched the pension withdrawal cheque to end the 'ordeal' with the fund body. While on the PLUS R&R break, Dr Harun blipped on my h/set from my tick in the ukm dot my about the new UKM chemistry chairman Dr Jumat. Detoured to Sg Tangkas bus terminal for the Sat trip back to UDM. 9 pm on Sutera #14/20. 8.45 pm went to Dr Md Soot's place for a small 'kesyukuran'. Back at 10.30 to retire at far m.n. too after a session with the notepad.
2007 Aug 11 Sat. Fetched Alya from K13 UPM in the late afternoon. After zohor took all #5678 to TESCO Semenyih for a sundries. Home by late evening. Getting ready for Trg trip. Sent off at the Sg Tangkas bus terminal by Zizah, Asri and Alya, who was enroute to her college. The bus was scheduled at 9, but only did so half an hour later. Via Pudu Raya to collect more passengers; stucked in the congestion. Cleared Kuala Lumpur only after mid-night. R&R at Temerloh, ...
... 2007 Aug 12 Sun. Reached K.T. bus terminal Jln Masjid at ca 7 in the morning, almost two hours late due to the delay in KL. Greeted by a heavy rain and thunderstorm. PakSang collected at past 8 to PD. Refreshed, breakfast, and off to office to reach at 9.20. Waiting were two master students, Fatimah and Anita.
... And life goes on as usual.
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2007 Aug 19 Sun, Omar, a constant buddy since school days, on his routine "balik kampong", knowing that I had moved to Trg, visited and had a late breakfast at "daun pisang".
2007 Aug 28 Tue, 2 pm, the first visit to UDM panel clinic, the RHHR clinic, Jln Sultan Omar for my 28-days "ration" of tritace. The benefits covers for the dependants as well, but there is no panel clinic in KL. The next day, Aug 29 Wed late morning I went to UMT for a DBP mission. Met Dr Juriffah, who helped me contacting a Marine Sc lecturer to host a DBP visit to recruit the subject writer in Ensiklopedia Pelajar. Dr Zainudin Bacok was metioned. And that very late afternoon, drove back (for the first time with car) to Bangi to catch SB for his 2007 UPSR begining Sep 3 Mon. Grabbed the chance to see another constant buddy since school days, in fact primary school days, Razali Yusof, in Dungun. He retired in May from being a Head Master of a primary school in Paka.
2007 Sep 4 Tue, 12 pm, the first faculty meeting I attended, in the LPU meeting room, chaired by the dean. The main agenda that took quite a while was the proposal for a diploma course in animal production, intended to commence next 2008 new session. The three years course proposed a strong basic chemistry during their first and second semester. The meeting ended with a lunch of nasi minyak. A new staff Ms Zanariah was introduced. She would deal with the extension matters in the agriculture sector.
2007 Sep 10 Mon, the first seminar, I attended on UDM ticket. It was while on the routine home-weekend in Bangi Sep 7-8, I received the mail from the dean asking me to 'extend' my stay. We were in a mood to own that luxurious comprehensive machine that cover chemistry, biotech and biochem. And I was asked to scout one of the brand. It was in UPM's Bioscience Institute. Waters Asia Limited through its regional Research Instrument in Singapore, brought (the "story" of) its latest mass spectrometry improvements and accessories. It was fascinating and a narration of a lot of wonders. And the m-level price will leave a "wonder" to whether eventually we could own it. And whether we could actually "use" it as narrated. A similar seminar that we had last week Sep 6 Thu about another group trying very hard to sell a genomic software. Incidently, in both cases there were elements of UPM graduates.
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Azizah longed for any news from Sakiko. But something else tickled the neurons all over my body all the way in the flight back to KT, which I kept compressed in my belly while seated next to a "co-traveller" I met on boarding the A320 of AK6336 2005 070910 Mon, En Mohsin, a FAMA officer, recently transfered from Trg to Putrajaya. A folk-mate of Mohd Anuar Amin of Kuala Bekah, a SAS-ian. Mohsin and I had a lot of views in common.
Ramadan 1428H
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2007 Sep 12, my s.q. was fully restored; the last day of Shakban 1428, the night of which I had dinner in my sister MekMaziah place Petai Bubus, together with my sister Ani, all et al. The next day, Ramadan 1428 clocked in, Sep 13 Thu. Perhaps this is the first, or the most is the second First Ramadan I had in my birth-home since I became a "seluang melaut" from the place in 1964 Jan at thirteen for the boarding schools. I completed the first Ramadan in P.A., including a quick "revisit" at Batas Pak Beng for some "pucuk putat" the ancestor of which I believed had lived there and had been parts of my home, and in tango with me, since I was a little timid boy in the 1960's, frolicking in the padi fields, and on the walk-path between the padi fields, helping my parents, or simply to enjoy myself with flora and small fauna, land and water, and avian, in the vicinity. The wild putat in the area had given our family not only a great apetite to eat to keep on growing, but also had helped us survived by becoming an ingredient in the cookies my mother made in post 1970's for a small income in Batu 6 market.
Ostensibly, the second and third day of Ramadan were spent in Bangi, as it was only about 3 hrs jump including a half an hour hop away.
As in many places, Ramadan is visibly the festival of cookies. I "ventured" into some places. The Batu 6, Cabang Tiga, Gong Badak, Tanjung, Manir and Gong Kapas. The places were swarmed by people from past four in the late afternoon. Unfortunately, not many attracted my attention. The scenes were not much different from those in Jln 6, and PKNS, BBBangi. This is an indication of migration had well taken place slowly from the past.
I tried to stay as natural as possible; rojok betik, pulut lepe, roti bata, roti lembek, and seri muka.![]() |
Many others are equally apetizing, and nostalgic. Tepung kapur, puteri mandi, koleh kacang, and baulu;![]() |
Tapai in rubberplant leaves, ketupat, tepung pasong, rojak setia, rojak betik, sare, and rojak kling;![]() |
Keropok, khosidah, mek comel and kuih lenga, and sarak;![]() |
Akok, nganan, apam, buah gomok, tepung pelita, and nasi lemak;![]() |
And many others mostly new comers.![]() |
2007 Sep 18 Tue, my school time buddy Jalil Ghani paid a visit in my office. He sort of acquired the first hand news from Omar some days before. He retired in Mar from being an inspectorate in KT, settled in Marang, his home town. I had been once to his (family) home, 1968 Apr 12 Fri, on our way home for the first term break from SAS in a "prebet sapu" from Kuantan, in which fellow buddy Ismail Mohamad 'A' dropped in Paka.
2007 Sep 26 Wed, a new "leap" in the development of Terengganu; the GIANT departmental store was officially opened in what was known as "Padang Hiliran", neighbouring with congener MYDIN which was opened about a year ago. It was a rush to catch the Shawal. The buying power of the melayu is then further demonstrated. Both are selling similar "commodities" but of different quality and price. In one or two years time, the differences would be apparent. On the first day it was a massive congestion. It took me about an hour to pass through on my week end Merdeka 50 drive back to Bangi to catch CB for his PMR 2007 beginning Oct 1 Mon for five days. Many sarcastically suggested that Kuala Terengganu now has reached a city status. And yes! It was not a sarcasm. 2008 Jan 1 would be the date for the declaration of Kuala Terengganu A CITY. For the better surely for some, but concertedly for worse for the rest of the dwellers.
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2007 Oct 1 Mon, my s.q. was further confirmed restored by the MatriQ, for Nov biannual congregation, in Bangi.
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2007 Oct 4 Thu, the first weekend evening I skipped my trip back to Bangi. While I was reading in my office, a surprise drop in by Dato' VC and the "rejuvenated" registrar, Nurul Huda, my buddy since Padang Midin in 1965, and UKM 1973. Things that would never happen to me in UKM even if my service were resumed.
In the late evening, a revisit to a beyond Pak Katak where my grandfather had built a foot-bridge for the farmers surrounding its vicinity to reach their "sawah". The bridge was named "Titian Haji Ahmad", and his sawah was along it. I had sometimes when I was a little boy helping my father to grow padi there. The place dislocated from my locus when I became a hostel boarder in 1964. As of today, the bridge was marked into the reserve for the road. So, in a few years time, Titian Haji Ahmad would become a tarmac road passable by motorised vehicle including cars.
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It used to be padi in its season and nothing else on both side of the bridge because the sawah was deep. It actually joined Pak Katak and Gong Kijang, a place as wild as the "forest". Pak Hasan who stayed at end of the titian was a good friend of my father. He lived by making coconut sugar.![]() |
The following day Oct 5 Fri, I went to PA mosque for Friday prayer, the first time since my return Aug 7. I was indeed "a foreigner" in a big congregation like this although from a distance I could tell a few persons. I needed to come at night to find whoever left of my acquintances. All other Fridays so far since Aug 7, I had not missed yet MPI for the prayer taking CB and SB. In the same evening, Ani et al, and MekMaziah et al, and I, made the visit to Ayu, our "lost niece" in Teretak Batu, Marang. The return journey was via Bukit Payung, making a full circle. At the Pengadang Baru ramadan market, I met again En Mohsin FAMA who I first met on A320 of AK6336 2005 070910 Mon.
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Kedai Buluh - the "Pasar Pingitan"
2007 Oct 8 Mon, on a need for some cookies to be taken home to Bangi, after a futile search in Tanjung, Chabang Tiga, Gong Kapas, Manir, and Pengadang Baru respectively, which apparently was rather early for the peek before noon. Kedai Buluh saved it and served it. The place is in the heart of hinterland between Chendering and Bukit Payung. My close buddies Abdullah Yusof, Othman Ali, and perhaps Abdullah Embong 'A' too were served by this "pingitan" market. When I was already not that young, it was said that there was a local "Billy" of Kedai Buluh who had traveled up to Kuantan. He stopped at many places and observed. He remarked: "Watan, Waman, 'edai 'uluh wesar kkali." He referred to the size of "ketupat pulut".
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The same items basically available. At a closer look, Kedai Buluh is still cheaper. The "pulut lepe" is bigger, and paxed five pieces per ringgit, unlike four pieces in other places. "Tapai ubi" is packed at 50 sen. One oldy is still available: the children snack "sagon'" (the local say for the word "sorghum"), dry fried sweetened dessicated coconut in decorated paper cylinders, paxed five pieces per ringgit.![]() |
Shawal 1428H
2007 Oct 13 Sat, was Shawal 1428H. I spent the vacation both "at home" (from Oct 11 Thu to 17 Wed) and the rest "abroad" with every available kiddos before returning to office Oct 23 Tue (the school break was Oct 11 Thu to Oct 21 Sun).
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It's not possible to recreate the fun that we used to have when we were kiddies. The jovial fun with the light at night that we used to enjoy was absent because the "land" was lit with electricity. Only our passion for the beach that remained the same, even without the diverse creatures at the wave end in the watermargin. In five days we visited the beach three times. The unknowns are beyond the sea. Impossible to gauge their forms even if some were actually the repeat of the past.![]() |
Special wishes from the eight boys of the Food Tech, while the girls were so eager to go to back to the family for the first time since registration in Jul.![]() |
And a special treat for my boys at the "daun pisang", the day before a fast trip 10 to 5 back to Bangi with Zidni behind the wheel of his Sentra.![]() |
But the return trip back to KT Oct 22 Mon was unprecedentedly long: 8.45 am to 7.20 pm, in a cosy "vip class" land liner, having an Air-Asia glamouries. It was a rainy morning, since the wee hours, complete with thunders and lightenings the kind that took my laptop power adapter, LCD power supply on Thusday, and D-Link wireless router, and Mac wifi power adapter on Saturday. The half-an-hr late bus thus waded in a congested traffic to Putra Terminal to pick up passengers, and then another pick-up-cum-fueling at Gombak Greenwood petrol pump. With all the super-modern technology, the bus was "snailing" all along the LPT, some passengers were made to run for the wash-room at R&R Gambang. Left a mother-daughter passenger, waited half-an-hr at the Gambang junction for the bus "sister" behind to deliver. Then two hours solid into Kuantan Terminal to "exchange" passenger (1500 hrs by then). Another nailing journey along the never-ending road expansion Kuantan-KT. Finally to everyone's delight, a break at Chendor R&R which apparently was an "abandoned" eatery. Two hours journey from Chendor to reach Dungun at 1800 hrs, and finally reached Jln Masjid Terminal at 1920 hrs, half an hour after into the sun-set. "Jjalan' sari tumbah". But the long trip was merried by a 3-pax passengers across my right, introduced himself only as "Mman" of Seberang Pintasan, Dungun, who generously insisted to pay my teh-tarik at Chendor R&R.![]() |
The Shawal break was blended with two weeks student leave before sitting for the final examination beginning Oct 28 Sun for two weeks. My paper was scheduled Nov 15 Thu. Their second semester commenced with a Registration Dec 23 Sun and the lecture began a week later Dec 30 Sun. Post-raya returned to work, 2007 Oct 23 Tue was spent with Prof Bacok of USIM in KUSZA; in BB Seafood infront of KUSZA after sun-set.
2007 Oct 25 Thu, The first "Hari Anugerah Dekan", medical and health sciences faculty. Being in a small and close community, all were invited to attend, especially those of the Agric and Biotech Fac. As always, the occasion was sealed with a meal in the crystal hall, during which I had the opportunity to close an acquiantance with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof Dr Afandi, a physiologist. As was with Prof Dr Mohd Zahedi, the Deputy of Research and Innovation during the campus iftar Sep 25 Tue. I have known the medical dean Prof Dr Zubaidi for sometimes since my tenure in Aug; who was a first year UKM-Medic in 1981 when I was on my doctorate in England; who Prof Dr Afandi said they were taking the bus together at Jln Masjid Station when returning to hostels "abroad" every new term of the school days in the late 1970's.
The day I left office early to catch the burial of Tuan Nong in the eastern (sun-rise) side of the PA cemetary a few meters from my home. Tuan Nong, whose husband I never knew, was one of the few remaining elders in my place. She was probably eighty plus, a distant relative, a close acquaintance to my family from the "royalty" side, and an ever-cheerful lady.
After which I had a "reunion" with my boy-buddies who are really expecting very much of my return to "tepian" - Raja Daik whose father Raja Ali the "Ketua Kampong" was a good acquiantance of my father. Raja Sulaiman, the only sibling of YohKu Raja Omar, one of the mosque "guardians" who stayed a few meters from it, when I was a little boy. Raja Arif the son of Raja Ali who is a close relative. The few whose number is dwarfed by the swarming young "new dwellers" of the place. The first, the closest, is my junior. He went to Tengku Bariah (then an English school) in Pasir Panjang when I went to Padang Midin (Malay school), settled carrier-wise as a soldier, retired and returned to "tepian" and became a bilal of "our" mosque. Others invoked the night of 1974 Sep 15 Sun after maghrib prayer, the mosque "kariah", headed by Raja Sulaiman and ChekWan Nawi, offered me a prayer on my journey to England Sep 22 Sun for my Master Degree. I gave a "talk" after the prayer which I did not sure they understand or not; perhaps they understood more of what I had been through than what I said in the talk, especially my boys-mates with whom I had so much funs when we were together. I saw only one thing in their eyes: their hopes that I would never forget them. And today, they were explicitly reclaiming their hope.
The weekend of which was my second Friday in PA Mosque since my Aug return (excluding the pre-Shawal Friday at Banggol Tuan Muda Al-Ikhlas Mosque).
2007 Oct 28 Sun, was full of first times. The first time visit to KUSZA campus since my enrollment in UDM, in Dr Md Noor's car with Dr Abdullah and Roslan. It was for the staff Aidilfitri. My last visit to KUSZA-proper was 1987 Jan 3 Sat to see the late Dr Wan Shamsuddin Mamat, one of my close friend during UKM tenure 1971-74, who was the Director of KUSZA-proper. That the world is getting smaller and smaller; I met Hasrom who retired from the Publication CEO at UKM recently, who said he enrolled in UDM on similar type of job only recently, perhaps a bit earlier than me. He was in DBP before moving to UKM sometimes in mid-1980's. He certainly remembered my "face", and remembered to remember it, because I believed he felt the same world that is getting smaller and smaller.
The night of which I was asked to represent the dean for similar occasion in the same place for the University security community. But I chose (a later queue) to go to tahlil for the late Tuan Nong at her house. It was the first time I got into the house. Apparently the "mother" part of the house was the one which I saw from the road side as I passed by since I was a little boy. Met many more boy-buddies, Raja Mohsin, the younger brother of Raja Mat Raja Jusoh. Including those of the decease siblings which were all female, but one the eldest, all of who I have not seen for very many years, who were my play-mates in the vicinity of Pengkalan Luas. And they remembered that very well. And ex-YB Ibrahim Azmi, my father's sister's step son, who once was a hot politician. Before which I stopped by PA mosque for the isyak, the first time since my re-residing in PA which I had "missed" perhaps since I was "farwelled" in 1974 Sep 22 Sun night. In the while I just went for the Friday prayer whenever I was at PA on "balik kampong".
In late Oct the signs of the arrival of monsoon were ubiquitous even fifteen kilometers away from the beach. No one available now to "tell" how big is the expected monsoon torrence this year. I was told that the flood had not been funful for many years now. Perhaps, because children these days are all unadaptive to have fun with the nature.
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And it was monsoon raining 2007 Oct 29 Mon, all day, "celebrating" the officiation of the eastern corridor of the economic region (ECER) by Malaysian PM, in Padang Awam, Batu Buruk, a stone-throw away from my office, during and after which I had a long opportunity of frolic with my boy-buddy Che Wan Taqwa, and others in the UDM "delegation" up to KK Ladang. The congregation at the "Padang Awam" reminded me of the all-Terengganu scout jamboree in 1963 which was held here, albeit in a sunny and breezy day. ![]() |
2007 Nov 5-10 Mon-Sat, leaving behind the officiation of "work commencement" of UDM permanent campus in Tembila, Besut, 2007 Nov 4 Sun, I spent a week of MATRIQ "reunion" in the UNITEN Residence. Only a few noticed that I was about to disappear forever from the MATRIQ scene from my last "mysterious absence" in Aug in Melaka Legacy. I could sense their feeling of missing me, especially Dr Rosiyah of UM, Dr Razak Ali, Dr Wan Aini of UTM and my former colleague Wan Yaacob. And many others who used to get close to me during the past occasions. BM's introduction by Anita furnished an unprecedented applause by the participants; - and instantly made Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia to join the "big leagues", that I had to spend quite sometimes answering inquiries about UDM throughout the "convention".
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2007 Nov 15 Thu, my first exam in UDM. That of the ASF3083, 35 enrollments, in the exam hall converted from the lecture hall, assisted by Norhayati Mat Yim. On the very day the seed fund was submitted for the dean to endorse entitled Physicochemical Properties of Cashew Tree Gum for Application in the Food Technology. Hopefully on time for the University monthly meet in early Dec, so that the two postgraduate students could proceed with their practical works.![]() |
2007 Nov 16 Fri Week-end, In the torrent of "monsoonic" weekend around UDM. A wish granted to get a "legal" absent from the Farewell 2007 by PPSKTM of UKM back in Bangi, in Bangi Golf Resort, 2007 Nov 16 Fri. The home weekend trip ticket was burnt because an urgent decision descended that the Diversity Project intro meeting in Tembila would be Nov 17 Sat. A similar eleventh hour meeting for Nov 16 Fri morning meeting about the Tembila Lab design in Primula was cancelled at the eleventh-and-half hour. But the Thu night solat hajat in the City campus was on from pre-dawn to nearly ten, ended as always with a meal (and so far never not with fried ikan keli).
In the Horizon
Rendezvous in KUSZA campus, 2007 Nov 17 Sat Week-end, for a coach ride to Tembila, Besut, the UDM permanent main campus. Arrived after ca. one hour ride. Welcomed by the locals, ca. ten of them, all presumably the JKKK members, and being briefed in their "community hall".![]() ![]() ![]() |
The meeting. In the "community hall", which was actually under a very shadowy 'ketapang'. The locals will eventually be displaced. It was reported that their residential land were already been compensated. Apparently these are the mere inhibitants that the UDM had to "sacrificed". Alas, they were felda-like settlers several years ago participating in the Lembaga Tembakau Negara scheme which then under no-tobacco pressure, switched to the sweet potato. The rest of the 1 kha land were uninhabited, excluding their farms which were agreed to be on TOL basis. In a not too distant future, this place will be flooded with concrete structure - a case of history repeating itself in different time-space coordinate, perhaps as of UKM in 1970's in Bangi. The visit ended in Bukit Keluang Resort cafe for a meal.![]() |
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Deja Vu
2007 Nov 18-21 Sun-Wed, deja vu, in Awana Kijal, MTDC Workshop on disemination of research commercialisation presentation. UDM, UMT, UMK, UiTM Pahang, were invited via TNC (R&I). My last engagement with MTDC was 2000 Nov 13 Mon, in the CRDF fund presentation ceremony in MTDC (then) HQ in UPM-MTDC Serdang, which was then became the closing chapter in the Chito-Chem and the chitosan epic "commercialisation". Since late 1980's. One was a sure non-mistaken, but none dared to open the tale in the epic. I wished they told me how much they knew the truth about it, especially the already approved ca 0.4M CRDF for Chito-Chem.
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Apparently MTDC had acquired a machine, very theoretical though, to materialise the Mat Jenin's commercialisation. Almost all participants were of the science background; a few were in profesional business such as accountancy and legal. It was like a class of pupil being fed with languages, physics, math, biology, accountancy, moral studies, religious study, etc, etc, just like they were sitting for the school certificate. And every "teacher" expected all the pupils to score "A" in the final exam. That was the seminar part, which the participants were deliriously enjoyed to learn, although many parts were as true as the third law of Newton. Of course, many remembered the "agony" of being the final year students, and the post-graduate students while on the edge of viva, which then seated on the other side when the table turned which was rather late for the elements in the organizing side which eventually realised that every body realised. Nonetheless, it was an excellent academic exercise. I went to the workshop for UDM. As did Pn Azizah Endut, Dr Kassim, Pn Asmaliza, and Dr Hafsah, and enjoyed the accompaniment of her husband Dr Senawi who came for Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.![]() The instructors with their impressive CVs, which had to include the lines such as "part time math tutor in a Sciece Foundation Centre of a local university". Their business experience were "oceanic", but ostensibly minus technical fore- and hind-sights of the very mother of the object to be commercialised: the technodevices. While some jokes were not amused at all, the Accountancy one without the joke was the most imparting and professional. |
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2007 Nov 26-27 Mon-Tue, a quick "popped in" in UDM curriculum development workshop in Primula. Now, the LO things, the things even the school teachers could not execute. The things that were not so strange; the mission impossible things in the university. They were either renamed or rebranding stuff which were claimed to be and improvement. The education things without which it would become otherwise. They were nonetheless, good for mapping the teaching material. But my concern was always to have an interface with the nature and background of the student who are going to interact with the curriculum which so far none had any corraboration with. If any, I wished it would tell the skill the students would have for whatever the grade the evaluation results eventually turn up. The curriculum is well texonomised. But so do the students. The follow up would be at the faculty level, should be in a longer retreat to cover every subject offered. It was so, as in the eyes of Prof Afandi, the TNC A&A during the tea after the closing ceremony. Which once when I was in UKM was simply neglected because the deal the staff wanted was "impossible" for the coffer keeper to meet. Naturally it settled, as always, naturally.
And that was followed two days later, 2007 Nov 29 Thu, in exactly the same place and corner, by a sitting with the architect on the lay-out of the faculty in the permanent campus that would be in Tembila, Besut. The whole team from the faculty turned up for the respective input. The AgroTech complex was forgiven for consuming the first half of the sitting in preference to the rest, i.e. the chancellory, the admn, the library, the informatics, etc.
The sitting was followed up the following week, Dec 6 Thu. The occasion that was pre-started with a dine in the Primula Coffee house, was also with the seal of completion of the network and the maze in UDM; with the bendahari, Tn Hj Bahrin and one the admin in medical faculty, En Cairul Anwar who was previously in KUSZA campus, and probably was unaware of impending dean Prof Zubaidi with whom he would be working. The sitting was in full attendence of Dato' VC who proudly "presented" the faculty to the dean, but humorously when he turned to me, without the chemistry department, to which I responded that food technology is already more than chemistry.
2007 Dec 1 Sat, revisiting Manir market to deliver the picture of a fish retailer I candidly shot, dated as recorded in the original file: "Saturday, June 04, 2005, 9:02:28 AM". Close to thirty months ago, the old man was there selling the fish, every day for the last 913 days. And most probably many hundreds days before. The young man, unfortunately said the old man had gone. I did not know his name (of course I could ask his "neighbour"), and he did not know who I am, and he had no way to find out, except purely by accident. I do not know these sequential events will have its consequence or not.
2007 Dec 6 Thu, a chance to drop by the famous "45 ringgit nasi dagang" near the mosque in Chendering, appeared in the newspaper sometimes perhaps ca 2006 Mac 28, in the storm with the federal authority for allegedly "over-priced"; albeit in the monsoon drizzle and darkness with Dr Abdullah and Roslan. The shop is rather "cosy" and well "commercialised". Tagged 2 RM per portion, it is served on a naked piece of banana leaf carried in the palm of the waiteress, and thus saved on washing the serving plates. The banana leaf pieces are garbaged, only the spoons (no fork) are washed.
The same stuff that was on the table during our class of 66 reunion 2003 Nov 27 Thu nearby. I could not remember the taste the first time. For sure, after this second time, I concluded that, despite the fair price, I would not mind if I miss the third time and the times after that. Not the way I would avoid not to miss any time the same cheaper deli of 1.50 rm per portion, by CheNgohMas in her "shaggy" shop opposite the Shell at the Buluh Gading Bridge which opens only 6 to 8 in the morning, the recipe of which she inherited from her mother in law, SuHitam, a lady in my place of my father era. With the short time opening, it is hard to prove to Dr Abdullah my point. Perhaps my former colleague Dr Jumat could tell his experience and the "desire". Judging by the rows of cars parked along the road, and the patronage of many chinaman, the "controversy" in the paper was "justified". About a km further up there was another contending nasi dagang, judging by the colour of the "lauk ikan aye", was with a contending recipe. It was served more mannerly, on the daun pisang on a plate with a proper pair of fork and spoon.
The faculty received the services of more "residence" contract lecturers since late Nov, En Wan Musa Wan Muda (formerly a high level officer in UPEN) and Dr Fazli Ilahi Abdul Wahab formerly in UPM who moved from MARDI. Both however were in Agriculture. In early Dec a newby was employed, Ms Nurul Zaizuliana, a UTM chemical engineer by training who will take care on the food processing specialisation. And for the time being, the elementary physics subjects. And appeared to be a transfer (from MINT) was another biotech personnel Dr Nashriyah Mat. We still need as well a proper mathematician, and many more before the first batch graduate in 2009.
A Flooding Dec
In Dec the floods were in Johor, Kelantan and Pahang, and mysteriously spared Terengganu. And floods of events too. On the day 2007 Dec 8 Sat, I was "conferred" the FOURTH Datukship, a second time from Az-Zaharah on the very first thing in the morning, ca. 8.30 am, of Malini_Hanief. Their second one, a girl. The afternoon of which we drove to Kuala Selangor to begin the "mission" for a series of events which would dissipate into our further conferement of datuk-"datin" thingies as well which by then may begin to never end.
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2007 Dec 8 Sat, at home in Bangi since the day before after spending twelve days in Trg with kiddos since Nov 24 Sat.
2007 Dec 13 Thu, a Mid Night Oddyssey on the trip back to Bangi for quite some days for several coincidental events to nearly the new year 2008. It was when we reached Temerloh exit with Muzani behind the wheel since from past six in KT through Jabor. The LPT said it was a flood in Lancang, passable only by big vehicles. It was eleven at night. We were just about two hours away from home. The alternative old road, said the LPT, was also sunken and the water was rising; even a new patch of the road was beginning to sink. I knew this place. I had quite an adventurous crossing in late 1967 at this point of the road stretch. The alternative the LPT suggested was via Jerantut, Benta, Raub, and finally Bentong which with minus the flood was just less than an hour away. The sky was clear, there were stars like in the tales of "1001 nights". I kept on wondering where did the water come from and why it was rising rather than receding.
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The oddyssey of extra miles began when we listened the LPT advice; and to embark for the first time on this "trail". To Jerantut was not so bad, in fact better than what I expected. But from Jerantut to Benta was really an epic on the original road perhaps built before Merdeka for the miners to go to dig the gold in Raub. The narrow and very windy road, scarsely populated, dark, and lined by the primary jungle timber trees; mysteriously the scarsely homes were seen lighted by electricity. It was dark still to tell what could had been told by a Homer. On many occasions we had to give way to lorries with mountains of timber loads which understandably were their times from the past mid night. From Benta the traffic merged with those from Gua Musang. But the paths was easier and speed could easily be acquired. We were three and half hours "late" because of the Lancang flood.
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At home when I checked the map, I noticed that I missed another alternative which could take us home in about two hours time. That was to return to Temerloh town, and heading south instead of north to Teriang, Bahau, Kuala Pilah, Seremban, and finally Bangi. The "trail" which I had passed once before, on returning from the wedding of Marzuki in Temerloh periphery. In which I experienced a mysterious disappearence of migraine while negotiating the Bukit Putus series of bends past Kuala Pilah whereas it was like to crack open my skull at sunset prayer somewhere about Triang. Which I believed was attributed to the fresh air of the hillsides plus some scents or fragrances from the volatile parts of the jungle flora.
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2007 Dec 20 Thu, Eid Adha on which we all braved in bracing ourselves at home after the prayer in MPI, for more exciting things to come; except in the late afternoon in Pandan-Cheras for a "pre-event meeting", because it was incidentally embedded together after the MatriQ matters 16-18 Sun-Tue in the Pearl International, which might be the last for this year, in my long leave since Dec 13 Thu, to almost the end of the year. And together was the swelling event in reference to that on Dec 8 Sat in Taman Penggawa, Kuala Selangor Dec 22 Sat which went on unhitched with the presence of only very close relatives plus a constant buddy Dr Md Soot and a most recent neighbour Utz Shamsul. Which followed on the late evening of the following day Dec 23 the return of Ifah and Aidah for good from UK to continue growing up at home; the former had picked up well since going to the school for the last couple of months; the latter was following suit a step at a time. Both were very much contending. It took quite some days for both of them to adjust to the new local clock; each even went through a "dose" of high temperature.
![]() In Dec, events at the homefront were very hectic, challenging, bumpy, pleasurising, alluring, teasing; but everyone, yet to understand, was in a neat route into the web of its own destiny. They actually were since my tenure in UDM Aug 7. And many of them were in my absence. The first was SB's UPSR solat hajat (Aug 23 Thu at the Green Mosque), followed by CB's PMR ditto (Sep 6 Thu - UKM Mosque), although I was with them on the subsequent "eve" of both exams (Sep 3-5 Mon-Wed UPSR, and Oct 1-5 Mon-Fri PMR). Similarly when SB's UPSR results was announced, 2007 Nov 15 Thu with the expected config, on the same day Hari Kanak2-cum-Excellence Day was celebrated for SRKBBB Jln 2 during which he was conferred Tokoh Kanak2 2007. His SRA Day Nov 7 Wed night coincided with my MatriQ matters Nov 5-10 Mon-Sat in the UNITEN's Residence. Nov 16 Fri was SB's primary end, and he was very much looking forward for the secondary beginning. I kept cool on his desire to be a boarder, not as "hot" as CB's time 2004/2005 for the "lessons" that we learned although I still had the capacity. He equally had the potentials that was too expensive to be spoilt. He eventually settled in SMJE which had swelled into the afternoon sesion for the lower forms. On which he went Dec 31 Mon for pre-registration without me, unlike his elders none were without my presence on the first secondary day. The school resumed their new session 2008 Jan 2 Wed. I deliberated to unmiss Muzani's Konvo, Aug 25 Sat for the ubiquitous psychological reason. It was several days after he began to taste his kind in Alamanda's Parkson from Aug 13 Mon which he enjoyed very much even though at a very low pay for the so-called exec. And for the same reason Dec 27 Thu when PMR results were announced. CB got the results of what he wanted. Nevertheless, we were proud of him for the "living skill" he had acquired. The incoming year would be more challenging for him. Alya inched on to the second semester in her PASP, UPM, praying for her to curve in her own gravity. But the most was Asri independency since Jun 19 Tue followed by another milestone Jul 10 Tue. By Dec end he stood up on his two feet, measured his own height, and really knew himself. Including his 7th BD Nov 23 Fri. |
2007 Dec 29 Sat, I returned to Terengganu for the Sem II in UDM although the registration started since Dec 23 Sun; leaving Bangi for a while with all matters done thus far. The lecture commenced Dec 30 Sun, with Asmaliza tagged to acquire experience. This semester on FDS3023 Analytical Organic Chemistry, with the new code and name I designed in early Dec based on UDM guidelines, together with Roslan, assuming a faculty of Food Technology in existence. The paper was more or less the continuation of last year General Chemistry, ASF 3083 General Chemistry I which I similarly recoded and renamed FDS3013 Physical Inorganic Chemistry to be implemented from next session.
But at home, arriving from Aomori, Japan, to every one delight was the physical memory of Sakiko delivered by post in a box as her new year greeting. Only a couple of days before that I reminded my kiddos to get me the "twinkling" toy to be experimented for squidding. Apparently, as I longed for it, Sakiko had packed it and was in the EMS flight on the way. I believe she will remember us all along her growing up, and perhaps one day will meet again. I knew that she knew that we all loved her very much.
The new year 2008 horizon was like the outward view on the beach seeing the liquid sea fusing the gaseous skyline, solidless, sometimes with no visible interfacial border. Ostensibly the event of the year was my own retirement and the "seluang melaut ke tepian jua akhirnya", the eventual return to the place where I was born.
Dated 2007 Dec 31