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2024G Diary

In Sg Merab First Half Jul

Dated: 2024 Jul 15 Mon 9 Muharam 1446H

2024 Jul 1-15 covid, was MCO-F5-56, the accompany-ing FOTOTEKS-es, topping the previous COVID-MCO-es. Covid was still scary but very quiet. It was infrequently given attention these days. In fact appearing from time to time in the media narrative saying that covid was a global evil scam. MK reported Jul 5, "... The Health Ministry has announced new guidelines that will treat Covid-19 similarly to other respiratory diseases, as the threat of the disease subsides. Beginning July 15, the ministry said it will no longer issue home surveillance orders (HSO) that compel Covid-19 patients to confine themselves to their homes for five days..."

The weather was rather sluggish. Sporadic torrence of rain, weaved with neither hot and sunny. The compound thus could not be scheduly maintained. Jul 9 Tue 3 Muharam 1446H, securing kitchen sundries in ALAMANDA, where we had not been for quite a while then. Noted the quietness of the place, plus notices of shops "renovation". Very much in contrast to the time when it was newly opened. Makan-wise, a plenty were comparable in BBB itself.

Jul 15 Mon 9 Muharam 1446H, DRVTGG with NA. Both weather and traffic were excellent all the way, on both LPT-s. In Kemaman, detoured to MokChili for a quick chiro. On proceeding, coasting to Paka, took the IBOK-KIJAL-KEMASIK internal route, noting many new roads-bridges in tandem with ECRL. In Kerteh town singgah one eatery, Warung Tepi Padang-co-Telaga Kopi, for a late lunch. In Paka, detoured to Santong route to re-get LPT2. Home in W-Tengah just before the sun set.

Jul 1 Mon 24 Z-Hijjah 1445H, staying home. Audited the house for the leave. The plants of hopeful were the newly planted baby pisang-nangka x-TJHOME, to start a new cluster of another varity in WTHOME. And the ank-nyior. Some kepok were also secured at Sri Tanjung.

Jul 2 Tue 25 Z-Hijjah 1445H, DRVKUL in TAV with NA. Lalu Dungun, gathering goodies at several pit stops. And get LPT2 at Dungun toll. The drv throughout was in a good weather. And light traffic, including in the notorious MRR2.

Jul 6 Sat 29 Z-Hijjah 1445H, an incomplete gathering of ank-cu2, in sans of Ruby's and Muzani's. Incidentally, SB and Alya et al were on home weekend, which was rather extended in conjunction of new Hijrah Year, 1446H. As always KEK-ING for the Jul-ians.

Jul 13 Sat 7 Muharam 1446H, a mission drv to KL, taking NA for a meeting in the BAR. Noted a completely different KL that had changed. It was not like I used to in the 70-s. But seeing the location in the vicinity brought back the past memories. Jalan Traverse, the Muzium, the Lake Garden, the Post Office, Masjid Negara, Jalan Kinabalu, Jalan Tugu, The Rail Station, Rumah Persekutuan, and the Padang Merdeka. Jalan Tun Perak and inwards into the heart of KL were sunken by high rise buildings. Comparing to how KL was, it's hard not to remember two buddies. One is since 1964 through the long school-Univ days. Mohd Embong, a once IT manager of DBKL. The other is a SAS-buddy since 1969. Abd Hakim Borhan, a once KL Mayor.

Idul Adha 1445H, RU-5

Dated: 2024 Jun 30 Sun 23 Z-Hijjah 1445H

2024 Jun 16-30 covid, was MCO-F5-55, the accompany-ing FOTOTEKS-es, topping the previous COVID-MCO-es. Covid was rarely given attention these days. In fact appearing in the media narrative saying that covid was a global evil scam.

Jun 17 Mon 10 Z-Hijjah 1445H, RAYA HAJI 1445H-2024G. In Sg Merab with all ank-cu2, including PokJo 4-beranak, but Farhan. Smayang in SNR. Half of the time were makan2, interluded with, as always, IMG-ing. We had no visitor.

Jun 20 Thu 13 Z-Hijjah 1445H, CB-ASRI naik Darul-Iman 10-pagi depan KUZA. KL-ward. Asri to start his final semester on Jun 24 Mon. By 6-30 Asri wa-ed that they were home, fetched by Malini. NA rolled up the proceeding days with legal matter needs, in Jjabat Tanah Watiqu. Jun 21 Fri 14 Z-Hijjah 1445H, Maras morning bazaar, and after jumaat, received the courtesy visit of En Abid.

Jun 22 Sat 15 Z-Hijjah 1445H, ziarah dua kematian. One in Durian Burung, that of KakAni's elder brother, and another in Gong Datok, that of NA's loyar buddy. That Sat ended with seeing NA's buddy in RAIA HOTEL, who were from Kemaman on accompany-ing a son for a Petronas sponsorship IV.

Jun 26 Wed 19 Z-Hijjah 1445H, a DRV-KGRAJA-JERTIH with some objectives to be accomplished. WLU was loaded with tools. It was a fine morning. The drv was via Tembila. The first stop was WED BAZAAR of Alor Lintah. Followed by Kg Raja Land Office. Singgah P-RIMAU, planted pisang-nangka to diversify off pisang-kelat. Unexpectedly it was raining. It was a downfall in T-BUGIS, and thus gave up the objective to mow in P-PANJANG. Instead visited Abg-Rob in Padang Luas for NA's matter. Other than the mowing, all objectives were accomplished. Home in WT before dark.

Jun 30 Sun 23 Z-Hijjah 1445H, ending Jun, the 5th time Reunion of Padang Midin SPM 67/68. The first was in 2017 in Awana Kijal, and was the largest in participation, ca 150. This 5th one was in The Cafe of Payang Scout Hotel in Telaga Batin. Ca 50 people turned up. It was a boutique success noting that some were from as far as Dungun, and Penarik. Even one was from KL by returned flight.

Jun 16 Sun 9 Z-Hijjah 1445H, ank-cu2 gathered in Sg Merab home for Arafah iftar-dinner. All were in, including Alya-3-beranak sans Farhan, who arrived at the sun-rise, but Zidni et al.

Jun 17 Mon 10 Z-Hijjah 1445H, DRVTGG, in the afternoon, 4-beranak with CB-ASRI, after spending the R-Haji with ank-cu2 during the first half of the day, bye-ing Alya-4-beranak who would in turn DRV-JB, and SB who would DRV-iKEROH Jun 19 Wed 12 Z-Hijjah 1445H early morning. KL was under a downfall when we setoff. The rain subsided after crossing Titiwangsa. Traffic-wise was fine. The air in TRG was very much cooler. The signs were that the rain fall from time to time.

Jun 18 Tue 11 Z-Hijjah 1445H, DRV-JERTIH first thing in the morning, 4-beranak. NA had a portion of a GHEBANG with AbgRob in Padang Luas. When we arrived, the sembelihan was already half way done. Stayed on to after a cooked singgang. Popped-in P-Rimau, harvested a kelat. The notorious post-event congestion of Jertih-KT was relatively mild. We managed to return home before dark, albeit by venturing through the heart of Pecah Rotan.

Jun 23 Sun 16 Z-Hijjah 1445H, a visit to WISMA DARUL IMAN, having a matter in PTG.

Jun 25 Tue 18 Z-Hijjah 1445H, an attempt, but a NOFISHING, but ended up in TJHOME for a pisang spring cleaning to replace the nangka with serendah. And extracted some benih pisang-nangka to be planted in W-TENGAH, and as far as to be in P-RIMAU.

Jun 27 Thu 20 Z-Hijjah 1445H, another attempt of fishing, but rather scarce, even though the sky was clear, and the sea was calm. The rain was just sporadic.

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2024G Diary